The structure build for the Scalescenes Small Goods Store "kit", AKA the free PDF download, turned out quite well.
Why paper and cardstock structures were chosen, and some examples are noted here. Michael Scott's YouTube channel, "Chandwell", has a plethora of information regarding designing structures, using the open source Inkscape program, which is a vector drawing program. The structures are then built using paper and cardstock. Inkscape does have a bit of a learning curve, but Michael's videos can be used as a guide and aid in the learning process. It took four different attempts to try and recreate, in HO (1:87) scale, Michael's industrial building, starting with Industrial Scratch Build 1 - The Paper Mock Up - Scratch Building With Inkscape. Michael designs his structures for UK N scale, which is 1:148 scale, not the N-scale found in the USA, which is 1:160 scale. Many of his other videos had to be referenced, before starting the Alice's Restaurant design and build. The design was finally completed in Inkscape. ![]() The screenshot seems a bit convoluted, but, after printing the parts, Alice's Restaurant, in the Arlo Hotel, was successfully constructed.
This was a great learning experience!