Model Setup and Programming How Tos

Setting Up Dual Rate in OpenTX for the Jumper T16 by Bill Clark, Mar 12, 2020

Bill describes how he does this using Companion.

How To Switch From One Drone Radio To The Next! by DrainMan FPV, Mar 11, 2020

How to move models over from different OpenTX transmitters to the T16.

Jumper T16 Setting Up Expo in OpenTX by Bill Clark, Mar 10, 2020

Bill describes how to use OpenTX Companion to set up Expo.

Jumper T16 Screen Set Up by Bill Clark, Feb 26, 2020

Bill demonstrates how to add some widgets to the main screen using the Tele button. He notes that you can put in the rudder value, but that can be changed to anything with a value by scrolling. He only covers a few of the possible options. He does not cover the four top widgets or even how to get to them.

Jumper T16 custom splash screen, background and model icons (with basic templates) - QUICK GUIDE by muteFPV, Feb 24, 2020

There is no voice description, but words on the screen during the video. The information goes by quickly in real time, but can paused at any time. The background music is totally irritating.

Jumper T16 Basic Model Set Up - 4 Channel Fixed Wing by Bill Clark, Feb 24, 2020

He uses the create model wizard to set up a plane, but does not show the other options for each selection. He also goes through each screen to get all of the data entered for the model that he's creating. As with all things OpenTX, this is only one way of doing the programming that he's showing. There are other ways to do it, and some may be simpler than this method.

Jumper T16 Setting Up A "Safe" Throttle by Bill Clark, Feb 21, 2020

This method might help when using ESCs that will arm when the throttle is advanced. Most of today's ESCs won't arm until the throttle is in its lowest position, but some still do.

Jumper T16 Making a Custom Sound by Bill Clark, Feb 12, 2020

He shows how he creates a file to say "Flip Mode Off". He's not sure how many characters the final wave file for the T16 can be. I checked and found eight characters to be the maximum for the file name. I also observed no uppercase letters in the file names, but digits seem to be okay.

Jumper T16 Set Up As Liftoff Controller by Bill Clark, Feb 9, 2020

Liftoff: FPV Drone Racing Simulator is from a company called Steam and costs $19.99. Bill demonstrates how he set up the JumperT16 to use this simulator.
He used the Setup Wizard and I noticed that his icon for Plane is on the left, like mine, yet all of the other Setup Wizards that I've seen online display Plane on the right.
Near the beginning of the video below this one, the Glider icon can be seen on the left and Plane icon on the right. That appears to be the most common way, and the fact that OpenTX appears to randomly place the icons bothers me.

Helicopter Basic Setup on a Jumper T16 Pro (OpenTX) Radio Controller by KoreaFalcon, Feb 5, 2020

Appears to be in Korean and not translated, but the sound can be turned off and simply watching should show how to set up a Helicopter. Includes: Create Model, Model Name Setup, Timer Setup, Flight Mode Setup, Create Pitch Channel, Throttle Hold Setup, Make Curves, Attach Curves, Gyro Setup, Channel Reverse and Channel Monitor.

Jumper T16 Setting Up A Toy Grade Quad Copter by Bill Clark, Feb 4, 2020

Bill demonstrates how to set up a XYMA X5C-1 quad.

Restoring OpenTX Model & Radio Settings to the Jumper T16 by Bill Clark, Jan 31, 2020

He uses OpenTX Companion and a FrSky Tranis X-Lite to demonstrate the process, which he says would be the same with the Jumper T16. He says that all the binding would be lost using this process. He did a poor job of copying and pasting. Looks like he'd not practiced it.

Jumper T16 Parameters for Custom Model Pictures by Bill Clark, Jan 30, 2020

A short video on preparing model images for use on the Jumper T16. His sizing recommendation, 155 x 100 pixels, is very different from TMac FPV's recommendation in the chart below. I have been using TMac's sizing of 192 pixels x 114 pixels. (I confirmed that size, 192 x 114 this morning. KM)

jumper t16 pro flaperon setup on fixed wing by Skycruiser FPV, Jan 28, 2020

Shows how to set up flaperons in this poorly produced and thought out video, but he finally does it.

Jumper T16 OpenTX SDCard Set Up with New Card Contents, by Bill Clark, Jan 27, 2020

Demonstrates how to put the files and folders on the SD card and add the Amber sound pack.

Jumper T16 Battery Voltage - Displays TX voltage level by Ha, Tae-woong, Jan 24, 2020

Very short video demonstrates how to display the transmitter's battery in a top widget.

Jumper T16 - Helicopter Set Up 2 by Ha, Tae-woong, Jan 22, 2020

This is part 2 of his helicopter set up. Part 1 is Here

Mixing Elevon Jumper T16 for Delta Wing by Indra Rudiyan, Jan 18, 2020

Video, with no sound, showing how to set up Elevons.

Jumper T16: How To Add TX Battery Voltage (widgets) To Top Bar by Rc McNutt, Jan 10, 2020

He demonstrates how to add a transmitter battery voltage and transmitter voltage gauge to the top widget bar. He also notes how to set the voltage range for the transmitter battery and how to calibrate the actual battery voltage.

Unfortunately, he does not use a good method to determine the actual voltage after the charge. All batteries will be at a higher voltage after a charge. The batteries should be allowed to set a few hours before measuring with a voltage meter.

Jumper T16: How to set up a timer and add a reset switch. by Rc McNutt, Jan 8, 2020

He shows how to do it and uses his momentary switch at the top right of the transmitter, but it could be any switch.
I'm not sure why he put it on a switch. Holding down the Enter key brings up a menu with Reset in it for all of the timers, but that is how he chose to do it.
The timer also resets when the transmitter is turned off.

Jumper t16 (in an Asian language - set up transmitter battery voltage widget) by Can't do name - it's in a foreign language, Jan 6, 2020

There is no sound, but the technique is clear.

How to install OpenTX Companion and set up your first model by Josh Bardwell, Dec 24, 2019

This is about how to set up a model using OpenTX Companion. He notes that he's now using OpenTX 2.3.4.
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.

Jumper T16 - Backlight Off by Danimal FPV, Dec 21, 2019

Shows how to totally dim the backlight "almost" off. Similar to above.

OpenTX Quick Tip: Failsafe by Painless360, Dec 22, 2019.

How to set the various types of failsafe and when to use them. This is NOT Jumper T16 specific. I disagree with him about the receiver option. I think it should be used.

Jumper T16 R8 Airplane Receiver Review | Fixed Wing Setup Open TX by Grayson Hobby, Dec 17, 2019

They started with setting up a model and did not show the stick calibration and other Tx setup. The transmitter needs to be set up first!
First they set up a model in the Tx. Bind to receiver. They cover how to do triple rates on ailerons. They set the failsafe selection to receiver. They show how to get rid of the failsafe not set warning when turn on the Tx. Show 5th channel for retracts and then how to discover sensors. They show how to get Tx to "announce" RSSI when switch is moved.
When setting up the failsafe they note putting that the throttle cut should be off, but they never set up the throttle cut.

JUMPER T16 OPENTX BASICS by TMac, Dec 13, 2019.

Some key concepts are discussed and described here. Some of the information only applies to multi-rotors. It is a good video to get an overall understanding, in some ways.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Pot or Slider as Throttle Idle Cut by Schumi UAV, Dec 10, 2019.

From the video it looks like I can put the throttle cutoff on one of the 6 position switch buttons, which might be handy, which I actually did. I think he goes about this in a very roundabout way.

OpenTX How-To - Center Alert Sound for sholder-slider / rotary knobs by DutchRC Adventures, Dec 8, 2019.

A quick how-to for OpenTX to get Audible feedback on center-positions.


Not sure this is at all useful for planes, except it talks about the Jumper R1 receiver for drones.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Global Variables - Exponencial by Schumi UAV, Dec 6, 2019.

Global variables can be used to set up a variable Expo and Dual Rates as well as the Throttle Cut I'm considering.

By using two timers you can have one as a throttle timer and one as a count down timer. That could be useful. Shows how to do it, well not really. Moves onto how to set up a three position switch to the momentary switch so the the position of the 3-position switch determines the function on the plane. Finally shows how to do the countdown timer 2. In his example both stop when the throttle is shut down. To be useful, the count-down timer should continue, or vice versa.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Channel Mix - Flaperons by Schumi UAV, Dec 5, 2019.

Shows flaperon setup on transmitter and how it works on the plane.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Assign Names to Pots and Switches by Schumi UAV, Dec 5, 2019.

This video demonstrates assigning names to the inputs. He notes that the side switches are useless as can easily be moved while flying.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Log Sensors to SD Card by Schumi UAV, Dec 5, 2019.

Logs are stored in Logs in xls type file format. Add sensors. They are actually .csv format.
Link saved to archive this.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Servo Delay for Flaps or any other function by Schumi UAV, Dec 5, 2019.

This is similar to a video I've seen on this topic. Uses rotary switch instead of 3 position switch.

Jumper T16 / FrSky - Sound Volume by Schumi UAV, Dec 5, 2019.

Uses same control knob as Josh Bardwell. He doesn't appear to be adding as a global/universal value, which I think it should be. He uses a special function (SF) using the SF screen. It appears to be global without using the global setup. Somewhat confusing.

Jumper T16 - Timer Reset + switches combined by Schumi UAV, Dec 4, 2019.

By using two timers you can have one as a throttle timer and one as a count down timer. That could be useful. He shows how to do it, well not really. He moves onto how to set up a three position switch to the momentary switch so the the position of the 3-position switch determines the function on the plane. Finally hs shows how to do the countdown timer 2. In his example both stop when the throttle is shut down. To be useful, the count-down timer should continue, or vice versa.

Jumper T16 show telemetry on screen (WIDGET SETUP) by Joshua Bardwell, Dec 3, 2019.

How to get info from flight controller (multi-rotor thing).
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.

Jumper T16 - Assign Trim switch as a Channel by Schumi UAV, Dec 2, 2019.

This method might be handy for controlling the volume, not what he's doing.

Jumper T16 Frequency Fine Tune with FrSky Receivers by Bill Clark, Nov 27, 2019

How to do it without buzzers, etc. using just the light on the receiver.

Jumper T16 - SLOW and DELAY functions by Schumi UAV, Nov 27, 2019.

How to do this for retracts and flaps.

Jumper T16 - Throttle Cut setup by Schumi UAV, Nov 26, 2019.

How to do it. How to do it for planes starts at 7:23 in the video. Drag timeline to that point. This sets up the throttle cut for a specific plane. My question is can it be set up as a global function? NO, it can't.

Jumper T16 - Dual Rates setup by Schumi UAV, Nov 26, 2019.

How to do it.

Jumper T16 - RSSI widget with a FrSky receiver by Schumi UAV, Nov 26, 2019

Can be used to set up Widgets across the top of the screen.

Creating custom model images on Jumper T16/FrSky X10s by Painless360, Nov 26, 2019.

More on making custom model images. Title screen is wrong. This is for Jumper T16. TMac notes the actual size which I posted above. Painless states the wrong size.

Jumper T16 Custom Splash Screen HOW TO, Joshua Bardwell, Nov 24, 2019.

Josh's how to on a custom splash screen. He's using .png, as he should. Not one of his best videos. Link for reference only.
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.


How to: add custom sounds. Includes adding Amber sound pack and creating custom sounds. Uses sound program Audacity.

Jumper T16 Pro BEST CONTROLLER ON THE MARKET how to bind reverse channels set toggles MJX BUGS MINI by Jay Drone, Nov 12, 2019.

How to set up and move through the menus. This ncludes fine tuning FrSky and Jumper receivers.

JUMPER T16 CUSTOM IMAGES by TMac, Nov 12, 2019.

Step by step for adding images to the Jumper T16. This is a very good tutorial for customizing. He puts his SD card into SD card reader and then works on the computer. The start up splash screen and model images are found in the IMAGES folder. The THRMES folder/Default contains the background images.

Jumper IMG Sizes and names

He didn't explain what he did with the original splash screen. The new image was named Splash with a capital letter when he transferred it to the SD card but it is splash with no capital S after he creates it. He did rename the background image background with no capital b. He does rename the original background.png to OLD_background.png.

Jumper T16 - How to Change Theme Colors by PinchTune, Oct 29, 2019.

Shows how to change in the transmitter without using a new flash screen from the computer to SD card.
An RGB color picker with the codes is found here.

Quick Tutorial: How to adjust stick tension of a Jumper T16 by Mikechin517, Oct 27, 2019.

What title says.

JUMPER T16 PRO MODULE TUNE by TMac, Oct 25, 2019.

How to turn the module to the receiver. IMPORTANT STEP!

Shutting screen off on Jumper T16 by Crazy Sam FPV, Oct 25, 2019

May or may not be a good idea. Guy mumbles through it.

Jumper T16 How To Bind and Set Up New Model by Joshua Bardwell, Oct 24, 2019.

Josh's step by step. Comes up with the glider and plane selection that I noted before. Don't make a model for each plane, make it for each protocol you'll be using. Then you can copy and rename it for each plane if you want to (my idea, not his).
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.

How to Setup Jumper T16 Pro with Spektrum Receiver BNF Airplane by Grayson Hobby, Oct 24, 2019.

What title implies.

Setup Jumper T16 with Flight Simulator by Built From Home, Oct 22, 2019.

What the title notes.

Jumper t16 and kiss flight controller end points by Remlews Fpv, Jul 3, 2019

Demonstrates how to set up extended limits.

Jumper T16 - Using 6 flight modes in ArduPilot by painless360, Jun 28, 2019

How to program the 6 buttons for flight mode, but might be useful for something else with fixed wing.

Jumper T16 Question: Does Smartport telemetry work? by Painless360, Jun 17, 2019.

Setting up FrSky Telemetry

Jumper T16 calibration by Rita Tsui, May 25, 2019.

Demonstrates stick calibration with no audio.

Jumper T16 - Helicopter Setup by Ha, Tae-woong, Jun 10, 2019.

I didn't find this short video helpful, but maybe it will be to some helicopter fliers. This is part 1 of 2.

OpenTX Quick Tip: Changing switches by Painless360, May 21, 2019.

How to change switch assignments easily.

Jumper T16 Radio: Model setup tips by Painless360, May 12, 2019.

This is done using an early iteration of the T16. Navigation and setup hints and tricks. Still using external module. Very complete with what the buttons do followed by examples of how to set up a plane-type; glider or Plane. Good tips. Create a basic model and then duplicate when creating a new model.

Jumper T16 adding custom images by 5 MINUTE FPV, May 3, 2019.

Explains how to change background screen and more, with sizes and in what folders they are located on the the SD card. Didn't mention renaming originals to keep them if a change is made. He says that they have to be a .png, but I'm thinking, since I've seen it before that a .jpg would work, or maybe even .bmp. I don't know for sure now. Background image is the same size as the splash screen, 480x272. Model images are 192x114. The splash screen is in the Images folder on the SD card ans is called splash.png. The background image is in the Themes folder. It is named background.png. Model images go in the IMAGES folder.

Jumper T16 Setup and Transfer Models From FrSky Taranis X9D by Joshua Bardwell, Apr 27, 2019.

Follow the first about 5 minutes of this video to set up the transmitter. A better calibration video follows this video.
The date and the red T16 sticker indicate this is an early version of the T16. He sets stick lengths to his preference. Next he shows the stick calibration. He notes that there is NOT a strong detent on side sliders. He also notes that you should NOT push too hard at the edges when calibrating. Don't forget to do the top six buttons. He did not recenter the right slider before finishing the calibration.
He demonstrates how to assign volume control to a knob.
He notes that OpenTX Companion needs to be downloaded and he tells from where, but the version of OpenTX he refers to is NOT for the Jumper T16. He transfers models, but he seems very, very confused about what he's doing. Next he sets up the home screen.
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.

Jumper T16 - iNav Telemetry Setup by Gal Kremer, Mar 30, 2019

He shows how to get telemetry setup for iNav, for multi-rotor, but might be useful for later telemetry info.

Jumper T16 KING RADIO Mjx Bugs 3 Mini Review by Jay Drone, Mar 20, 2019

Describes the buttons. Shows how to calibrate sticks. He didn't move the sliders and knobs switched back to center. Shows basic model setup. Note knowledgeable about the topic at all. Link for reference only.

FrSky Taranis OpenTX BuddyBox Trainer Mode How To by Joshua Bardwell, Dec 28, 2018

This applies to ANY OpenTx transmitter, although the Taranis is used for the example. Shows how to set up as a Global function to apply to all models.
This is Josh's full time job. Please support him using his patron account, if you can.

OpenTX 2.0 and Beyond Episode 2 - Change Your Thinking by R. Scott Page, Oct 9, 2014.

Good video to start with to get thinking about model setup programming using OpenTX. Not a Jumper specific video.

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