Flying High With Electric Power!

The Ampeer ON-LINE!
August 1990
The Club Newsletter of the Electric Flyers Only, Inc
AMA Charter 2354
Walled Lake, MI, USA

Editor: Ken Myers

Fly the Future - Fly Electric!

What's On This Site:
Site Table of Contents

What's In This Issue?

Pack Maintenance Program Lloyd Schultz shares his thoughts on thiis topic. At the July Meeting Letter from Pete Waters shared, Steve Martinez gives notice of GDHSS upcoming meet, Ken Myers finished final plans for the July 21 Mid-Am, Richard Utkan shared his nenw Hots, John Chizmadia, a guest, shared his Gentle Lady, Jack Lemon, Jr. shared how to adapt a Cobalt 05 to a Kyosho motor mount, Bob Shipton suggested that battery connectors should be standardized, .
Some Technical Tips cleaning battery contacts and modifying Sermos connectors for tight spaces. It's Funny Sometimes a joke.
Cheap Frequency Flag A tip from C.S. Morris The Goldfire 05 from Great Planes, Ken Myers does a full review on this motor.
Cartoon A crash funny AstroFlight DC/DC Constant Amp Charger (Model 112), Keith Shaw reviews this great charger.
Scales, Some scale choices for modelers.