generous donations, which are very much appreciated. Air Age Publishing (Model Airplane News), Aerospace Composite Products, Astro Flight, Inc., B&T Racing Products Inc., Carstens Publishing (Flying Models) - Castle Creations, Dymond Modelsport, Electric Flight Products (Tim McDonough), Electric Model Systems (featuring Jomar products), Futaba Corporation of America, Garrison Aerodrome, K&A Models, Kress Jets, Inc., Master Airscrew: Windsor Propeller Co., MaxCim, ModelAir-Tech, New Creation's R/C, Radio Controlled Models (RAM), Inc., Rocket City Specialties, Sig Manufacturing Co., Inc, SR Batteries, Inc., Tower Hobbies, Unbeaten Path Imports, Vinyl Graphics by Greg, Viper Model Products, Ralph Weaver
Thanks also go to the Midwest R/C Society. Because of the very generous donation of their fine flying field, the Electric Flyers Only, Inc. and Ann Arbor Falcons were able to put on this World-class, premier event.
There were 86 pilots from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Connecticut, Ohio, North Carolina, Ontario, South Dakota, New Jersey, Maryland, Texas and California. A realistic estimate of the number of aircraft ranges from 350 to over 400!
Because of the absolutely perfect weather, there were hundreds of sorties flown. Many of the out-of-state fliers stopped by to check out the field starting on Friday afternoon, and they also did a bit of flying.
The official fly started at 10 a.m. on Saturday and continued until 5 p.m. when the field was once again opened to all MRCS members, while Keith Shaw and Ken Myers passed out awards and prizes. Next there was a potluck picnic at 5:30 p.m. and then many chose to fly until dusk, along with several glow flying MRCS members. The flying continued well into the night, stopping at about 11:30 p.m. with as many as 6 and 7 planes taking to the sky at the same time. The glow had continue