Happy Holidays to All
As you can see, this is the shortest Ampeer ever
published! I’ve had a very serious computer problem, unfortunately self-caused. I’ve
"lost" many years of work, and I’m trying desperately to restore my system and
files to what they were. This has soaked up almost all of my time for the past two weeks.
Hopefully, everything will be back to "normal"
for the January issue.
Ampeer hard copy subscribers, please note:
This issue does NOT count against your subscription. I will automatically extend your
subscription by one month!
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Thanks to Some Great Editors!
Several great electric flight newsletter editors have
called it quits, and I want to personally thank them for all of their wonderful
contributions to the eflight community over many, many years. George Myers, Frank Korman
and Steve Belknap, you will be missed, and I personally thank you for all of the hard work!
Frank, I especially thank you for 13 years worth of the DEAF newsletter! Gentlemen, we all
owe you a lot. Enjoy your "retirement!"
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On to the Good News!
First, a very happy holiday season to all of the
Ampeer readers from ALL of the EFO members.
The Holiday Meeting and Party
The holiday meeting and party will be held at Ken
Myers’s house. It will start at 8:00 P.M. Refreshments will be served up with lots of
flying talk and a viewing of a new video from the ‘99 Mid-Am. At about 9:30ish, the party
will move to the Oakland Yard dome, where those members and guests with slo and park fliers
can fly. If you are not a member of the Oakland Yard flying club, you’ll need $10 to fly
that evening in their facility. Admission for EFO members, and their guests, as spectators,
will be paid for by the club.
Who is invited to the party/meeting? Anyone who reads
this is invited, whether you are an active EFO member or not, you are invited to join us,
both at Ken’s house and the Yard.
Ken’s house is located at the address noted in the
heading. Bradshaw Court is located on the west side of Benstein Road, 1.6 miles north of
West West Maple Road. The easiest way to get to West West Maple Road is to take I-96 to
Beck Road and go north on Beck Rd. to West West Maple Rd. Turn east (right) onto West West
Maple Rd. and go to Benstein Rd. Turn left onto Benstein Rd. and proceed north 1.6 miles to
Bradshaw Ct. Bradshaw Ct. is a difficult road to see at night. If you miss it, you can go
past it and turn around before or at Glengary Rd. The house is easy to spot, as Ken’s 30 ft.
travel trailer sets beside the garage on this very short court.
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A Quick Note to Slo and Park Fliers
Air Age Publications (Model Airplane News) has started a
new publication dedicated to your interests. It is called Radio Control microFlight. The
first two issues are free in MAN. For more infomation visit
rcmicroflight.com or check a current issue of
MAN. I found the first issue very informative.
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The Mid-America Electric Flies report is not actually in this
issue. To read the report click here. Use the back button
of your browser to return to this issue.
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Here is a map to the Rushton Road
Flying site.
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To Reach Ken Myers, you can land mail to the address at the top of the page. My E-mail
address is:
KMyersEFO@aol.com EFO WEBsite: http://members.aol.com/KMyersEFO/