Flying High With Electric Power!

The Ampeer ON-LINE!
June 2012
The Club Newsletter of the Electric Flyers Only, Inc
AMA Charter 2354
Walled Lake, MI, USA

Editor: Ken Myers

Fly the Future - Fly Electric!

What's On This Site:
Site Table of Contents

Ken MyersRichard UtkanRick Sawicki
1911 Bradshaw Ct.240 Cabinet5089 Ledgewood Ct. W.
Commerce Twp., MI 48390Milford, MI 48381Commerce Twp., MI 48382
(248) 669-8124(248) 685-1705248.685.7056
Board of Directors:Board of Directors:Ampeer Editor
David StacerArthur DeaneKen Myers
16575 Brookland Blvd.21690 Bedford Dr.1911 Bradshaw Ct.
Northville, MI 48167Northville, MI 48167Commerce Twp., MI 48390
Mailed Ampeer printed subscriptions are no longer available.
The Ampeer is FREE on-line in Acrobat .pdf format and HTML with active links!
The Next Meeting: Date: Saturday, June 9 Time: 10 a.m.
Place: First Flying Meeting of the year, Midwest RC Society 7 Mile Rd. Flying Field

What's In This Issue?
More on the Skymasters' April Pre-Toledo Meeting And Bill Brown and Bill Shaftmaster Celebration, photos include the presents received by both 90-year-old RC fliers. RC Surface Throw Gauge, Denny Sumner describes how create one easily and cheaply.
Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2012, upcoming meet announcement. The April EFO Meeting, features photos of the "guys" getting ready, Keith Shaw's Halberstadt & Keith flying a "single channel" escapement type radio.
The Canadair and OS Motors, David Hipperson shares his thoughts on powering the Canadair 215 with O.S. outrunner motors. A Safe Way to Check Prop Rotation, Arthur Deane suggests a safe way to test prop rotation when hooking up an ESC & Ken adds a twist to it.
B-47 Model, David Plummer shares a photo of his model and asks about making the wiring simpler with special connectors. Upcoming Skymasters' Electrics' Over Lake Orion, Skymasters' upcoming E-meet.
May EFO Flying Meeting, The May flying meeting and Denny Sumner's maiden of his LoPresti Fury.. Update on "Power System for a World Models Giant Scale (GS) Spitfire", Scott Lillis updates us on his conversion of his Spitfire!.
Detroit Aero Modelers (DAM) Upcoming 2012 Electric Fun Fly, info and dates.. Don Belfort's Tri-Pacer Maiden, Don tells us about his successful maiden.
EFO Members at the RCCD Electric Meet, Keith, Ken and Paul go to the meet. Upcoming Mid-Am, flyer, map and hotels list for the 2012 Mid-America Electric Flies.
Upcoming E-vents

More on the Skymasters' April Pre-Toledo Meeting
Bill Brown and Bill Shaftmaster Celebration

From Joe Hass via email
Photos by Fred Engleman

     The meeting was extremely well attended. Horizon Hobby representatives previewed many of the items that they were showing for the first time at the Toledo RC Expo. The modelers attending the meeting were interested in many of the non-electric related items, as well as the new electric offerings including the updated Habu EDF.

     Joe Hass presented both Bills with some "New, exciting products from the Horizon Hobby Family specifically for the Nonagenarian!"

     The first was the Hanger 9 P.E.D. (Pharmacological Enhancement Dispenser). Perfect for making sure the Nonagenarian is up to the tasks of the day.

     The 2nd was the JR V.S.D. (Vertical Stabilization Device). The easy to secure curved handle has a lucky rabbits foot, reflector and rear view mirror. The mirror has the special notice, "Airplanes in mirror are closer than they appear."

     The 3rd, and best, wasÊthe S.T.T. (Spektrum Transmitter Tray). Every Nonagenarian will be proud to show up at the field with the S.T.T. Not compatible with the DX-18. No one over 60 knows what to do with 18 channels.
     Thanks also go to Fred Engleman for the photo of the two Bills used in the May 2012 Ampeer. KM

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RC Surface Throw Gauge
Dennis Sumner, EFO member, via email

     The gauge is made with a few simple parts with the Hayes Micro Clamp #104 (Tower LXK854) being the heart of it.

     The gauge can be assembled in less than an hour with simple scraps. I used some scrap .032 pushrod wire, 1/4" balsa, 1/2" long piece of 1/4" dowel, a clamp on sinker from my fishing tackle box and a small wheel collar. The gauge was done with a CAD program and there are enough on the sheet so that you can make one for your friend at the same time.

Click on picture to open .pdf file with gauge templates.

     Start by cutting a gauge out and tracing it onto the balsa or lite play scrap. Use a pin to mark the center of the pointer on the balsa scrap. Drill out the balsa or lite ply to accept a 1/4" dowel, then cut the gauge face out.
     The hardest part of building the gauge is drilling a hole in the center of the 1/4" dowel. When that is completed, glue the dowel to the gauge face with the front flush and then glue the gauge to the balsa.

     Use a scrap .032 wire from some park flyer pushrods for the pointer. Cut one piece to about 3 inches long and another to 1.25" long. Bend the 1.25" piece with a 90 degree bend. That piece is going through the 1/4" dowel and should be long enough to extend through the dowel to attach a collar. Thick Zap glue the wires together. Use a piece of heat shrink to cover the joint. Use a small split lead fishing sinker and crimp it onto the bottom of the pointer.

     Slide the pointer onto the gauge assembly and use a small wheel collar to keep it in place.
     Drill an undersized hole in the handle of the Hayes micro clamp that can be enlarged to a snug friction fit for the 0.25" dowel so you can adjust the gauge to "0" when attaching to the control surface.

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Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2012

     The Balsa Butchers will once again be hosting the "Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-In" at their field near Coldwater, MI. The event will take place on June 2 and 3, 2012.

Contest Director: Dave Grife - E-mail: or Phone: 517.279.8445
Please e-mail or call with any questions.

     The Flying Field will be open Friday, June 1 for early arrivals
Saturday, June 2, hours are from 9 a.m. 'til 5 p.m.
Sunday, June 5, hours are from 9 a.m. 'til 3 p.m.
Landing Fee is $10 for the weekend.
Directions: Quincy is approximately 4.5 miles east of I-69. Clizbe Road is approximately 1.6 miles east of Quincy. The Flying site is approximately 1.5 miles south of US-12 on the west side of Clizbe Road.

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The April EFO Meeting

     Saturday, April 7 was a beautiful Michigan spring day with the temperature around 60-deg and light winds.

     The turnout was good at the Midwest RC Society 7 Mile Road flying field. It was a wonderful day of flying spent with great friends.

     The first photo shows some of the "guys" preparing for a day of flying.

     The second photo shows Keith Shaw with his Halberstadt indoor flier, which he flew outside in the early morning, while the winds were down.

     The third photo, well look closely. What kind of transmitter is Keith holding? Yes, it is a single channel featuring one push button; one push for right, two pushes left, three pushes up elevator and quick blip medium speed-full speed-medium speed-off. The new 2.4GHz system is housed in an "old" transmitter case. The up-to-date onboard radio system responds as if it were a compound escapement type, but without having to count the winds of rubber to know how many times the transmitter may be keyed.
     Not only does the 2.4GHz antenna give away the fact that it is a "modern" system masquerading as an old timer, as the original antenna would be very long, but holding the transmitter in one hand would have been very difficult due to the very heavy battery!

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The Canadair and OS Motors
From David Hipperson Melbourne, Australia via email

     In the May 2012 Ampeer article "Is a 50 a 50?", I suggest a power system for a Canadair 215. David shares his thoughts about that power sytem. KM

Dear Ken,

     Hi, hope your are well and thanks, as always, for the Ampeer.

     Luckily I was asked to do a review for a local magazine onÊan OS motor and selected the OMA-5020- 490 (5053-490, 350g KM) as my "test" motor.
     ItÊproved to be beautifully presented and made. The motor comes with a handy guideÊin the form of a printed sheet with some figures andÊmy tests ran very close to these power figures. (That's very interesting. I have two of the OMA-3820-1200s and an OMA-3825-750 and none of them have been close to the amp draw and watts in numbers supplied by O.S. on their instruction sheet when run with the APC "E" props noted in their tables. I have reviews ready for both of these motors and they will be appearing in upcoming Ampeers. KM) I used APC 'E' props and my guess would be that the 50 sized motors would be over powered for the Canadair unless it is exceedingly heavy. Also prop size would be a controlling factor. I now use "my" O.S. Motors OMA-5020-490 in a Sebart Sukhoi 50 which is around 3kg (6.61386 lb. or 105.8 oz. KM). Just for general flying I use 5SÊon an APC 15x10E. I'm seeing 850 watts in, which is just a handy amount of power for my sport flying. On occasions I go a bit crazy and use 6S on the same APC 15x10E prop. That bounces me up to just shy of 1400 watts in and at about 58 amps. As you can imagine, vertical is not an issue. OS suggests that thrust is 5.4kg in this form.
     My batteries are 40C Fullymax using two 3S 3200mAh in series and they seem to hold very high voltage for about 50% of the flight time without any problem. Certainly there is no apparent power sag.
     As theÊOS motors now give me a fair amount of confidence, I'd probably be looking more at the OMA-3825-750 (3848-750, 190g KM) as a choice for the Canadair. OS suggests that on 4S with a 13x8 the power should be 688 watts in with 3kg thrust at 8600 rpm. (At 14.8v - 4S pack after a short static rundown near the top of the pack - the amp draw would be about 50 with approximately 735 watts in. That is well above the O.S. recommended 40 amps continous. The Kv is actually closer to 800 as measured by Skylar (Christo), 794, and myself, 805.

RC Groups thread on the O.S. Motors' outrunners.
     As I said, unless the Canadair is very heavy 1300+ watts in should provide plenty of urge added to which one gets extra efficiency from the twin props.
     I'm using a couple of the Scorpion SII 3026-710s. (3852-710, 205g with measured Kv of about 770 KM) One has been regularly flying an ARF Corsair weighing 7 pounds. Power has been off 4S with an APC 12x6E and all of the usual aerobatics are no problem. I'm mentioning this simply because that Scorpion is somewhat similar to the OS OMA-3825-750.
     I hope this is of interest, although more by gut rather than lab results.

David Hipperson
Melbourne, Australia

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A Safe Way to Check Prop Rotation
From Arthur Deane, EFO member and President of the Midwest RC Society via email


     I don't know whether you saw this in the June 2012 edition of Model Airplane News.
     It is an answer to a major safety issue - how to determine the rotation of a brushless motor without having to have a prop attached.
     It certainly needs to be broadcast around.


     What Arthur was refering to is a tip by C. Robert Gladding of Tavistock, Ontario, Canada. He suggests wrapping a 3" to 4" piece of tape around the motor shaft and sticking the ends together to form a "flag" and then watching the rotation of the tape "flag" when the motor is turned on.
     I've been doing a lot of motor testing recently and wanted to know whether I'd gotten lucky or not while hooking up the three motor leads of the outrunner brushless motor to the electronic speed control (ESC). I used the method recommended by Robert and Arthur, with one modification. I used a marker to put a big black dot on one side of the tape "flag". That made the rotation determination extremely easy. That is a super safety tip!

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B-47 Model
From David Plummer via email

Hi Ken,

     Thanks for the feedback, and the tip on Jim Young's Meteor. I'll definitely try to find some info on it.

     I'm having a bit of a problem making connections between the motor control wires in the wings of my B-47 model, and the battery leads. ÊThe main problem is there is very little space in the wing where it bolts to the fuselage center keel. ÊI'd like to make the connections in that location (rather than down inside the fuselage where the batteries are) to cut down on the wiring, and to make it a lot easier to connect the batteries after the wings are bolted on. ÊWhat I need are some nifty little Y connectors (rather than wiring harnesses) that have a single (say, +) input, and two + outputs; need the same for the minus side of the battery: ÊI'm using one 5000mAh LiPo pack for each pair of motors (#1 and #6; #3 and #4: etc.) ÊIf you've ever come across any such connectors, and have time to let me know about them, I'd appreciate it.
     I've attached a shot of my model with a sky hook to hold up the RH wing while I try to figure out the connector problem. ÊI'll send you a couple more photos when I get the lead sled assembled for the taxi tests.

David Plummer

     At the time David asked about connectors IÕd forgotten about these. I responded a couple of MONTHS later with this reply. KM

Hi David,

     I'd forgotten about these connectors. ÊThey might work to make wiring the B-47 a bit less cumbersome.
     They are by Multiplex and available from Tower Hobbies.

Photos are linked to Tower Hobbies

Hope this helps,

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Upcoming Skymasters' Electrics' Over Lake Orion

     The Skymasters are also having a two day meet, June 9 and 10. The electric meet is on June 9 with a Pot Luck dinner at the field followed by night flying. Sunday June 10 will be Open flying with other Skymasters' members. The event starts at 10 a.m. on June 9 and will continue until Midnight. Contact Pete Foss email: For more information:

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May EFO Flying Meeting

     The weather was kind of "iffy" on Saturday, May 12. The reports were for some moderate wind and the possibility of showers. While the sky was a bit gray and "flat", those in attendance found it a good day for flying.

     Denny Sumner got the chance to maiden his new LoPresti Fury. The plane flew great! Unfortunately, the canopy, the one made at one of the spring EFO meetings, decided to leave the plane. Luckily it had a pair of eyes on it, so it was easily retrieved while Denny continued to fly the canopy-less plane. Flight report, excellent! No bad habits at all.

     A field lunch was served up by Jim Lapham, Rich Sievert and Arthur Deane. It was great.

     There were a few very light sprinkles as lunch was ending, but they did not deter the flying at all, which continued until mid-afternoon. Most of the fliers were home by the time the actual rains came in the late afternoon.
     It was another great day at the flying field!

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Update on "Power System for a World Models Giant Scale (GS) Spitfire" From the April 2012 Ampeer
From Scott Lillis via email

     Here is sort of an update. Slowly but surely it's coming along. I'm putting an APC 19x10 prop on to start with using two 5S 5000 mAh batteries in series with an ICE HV 80a speed controller and the 160 motor with a 245 Kv. All up weight is going to be 16 lb. (yikes) I think the power will be plenty. My old gasser weighed 15.5 lb.

     Not shown is the battery tray and the batteries. With the tray in place, there is just enough room for the batteries under the speed controller, which is mounted to anÊaluminum plate. When the cowling is in place, air will be channelled across the batteries and speed controller.

     I just got my prop tonight and worked on the center of gravity (CG). I had to add 1 lb. 4 oz of lead at the firewall.
     I will be hooking up the power system to check the current draw, etc., soon. With the 10 cells, the current draw ought to be pretty low.

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Detroit Aero Modelers (DAM) Upcoming 2012 Electric Fun Fly

Saturday & Sunday
July 21st & 22nd, 2012
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Alex Jefferson Field in River Rouge Park
At the corner of Joy Road and Spinoza

     Open event for all electric aircraft & helicopters
NO LANDING FEE! Just come out and have fun!
The grill will be available for use for all pilots.
Spectators watch for free and are always welcome.
Contest Director:
Arden McConnell
AMA Sanctioned

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Don Belfort's Tri-Pacer Maiden
From Don Belfort via email

Hi Ken,

     Last Friday, May 11, was the big day and the Tri-Pacer made a successful flight! You will see it in person at Mid-Am.

Take care,

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EFO Members at the RCCD Electric Meet
A Short Report by Ken Myers

     RCCD had an ideal day for their electric fly-in this year on May 19. Midwest members Ken Myers and Paul Sockow pitted together and their planes may be seen in the photo. Keith Shaw pitted "just down the way."

     The Radio Control Club of Detroit puts a lot of work into this fly-in, and it is a lot of fun. You might want to add it to your schedule next year.

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The Upcoming Mid-Am, July 7 & 8, 2012

2012 Mid-America Electric Flies Flyer

2012 Hotels list & Map to the Flying Field

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To Reach Ken Myers, you can land mail to the address at the top of the page. My E-mail address is:
EFO WEB site: