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Flying High With Electric Power!
The Ampeer ON-LINE!
Fly the Future - Fly Electric! |
President: | Vice-President: | Secretary-Treasurer: |
Ken Myers | Keith Shaw | Rick Sawicki |
1911 Bradshaw Ct. | 2756 Elmwood | 5089 Ledgewood Ct. W. |
Commerce Twp., MI 48390 | Ann Arbor, MI 48104 | Commerce Twp., MI 48382 |
(248) 669-8124 | (734) 973-6309 | (248) 685-7056 |
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Board of Directors: | Board of Directors: | Ampeer Editor |
David Stacer | Arthur Deane | Ken Myers |
PO Box 75313 | 21690 Bedford Dr. | 1911 Bradshaw Ct. |
Salem, MI 48175 | Northville, MI 48167 | Commerce Twp., MI 48390 |
(313) 318-3288 | (248) 348-2058 | (248) 669-8124 |
Upcoming EFO Flying Meeting: Saturday, May 11, 2024 Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Midwest RC Society 7 Mile Rd. Flying Field (See note in this issue.) |
EFO Flying Meeting Reminder Remember that the posted dates are tentative for the summer EFO flying meetings. | 13th Annual Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club's John's Jet Jam 2024 Meet announcement. |
Keith Shaw interviewed on the RC Roundtable Podcast. | Signal Seekers RC Club 2024 Vandalism Damage Info on vandalism at a local club. |
Model Classics Roland Friestad updates us on changes to his Website and publication. | EFO April Meeting Report on the April 2024 Indoor Flying Meeting. |
Keith Shaw, RC Test Pilot Keith describes his recent experience as a test pilot for a group of students at U of M. | |
Upcoming 2024 Mid-Am Info Event announcement from Ken and Keith. | |
Please keep in mind that summer flying EFO meeting dates are tentative do to weather. The flying meetings are scheduled for a Saturday. Because of predicted winds or rain for the scheduled date, the actual date could be changed. Members will be notified, via email, as to the correct time, date and place. Everyone is welcome and proof of current AMA membership is required to fly. Spectators and visitors are always welcome. The next EFO monthly flying meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 a.m. at the Midwest RC Society 7 Mile Rd. Flying Field. If the weather is not suitable on that date, the meeting will be postponed to a future date and members notified, via email, regarding any change in date and time. The change will also be published on the EFO Website. Upcoming 13th Annual Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club's John's Jet Jam 2024 from John Hoover via email This event will be held at the PMAC flying field on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 3 p.m. The event CD is John Hoover. For further info, John can be reached at aspectav5429@yahoo.com. This is a RC Jets Airshow that is free to the public. AMA members are welcome. Return to "What's In This Issue" Keith Shaw On the RC Roundtable Podcast
A couple of weeks ago Terry Dunn and the guys at the RC Roundtable interviewed me for an episode of their podcast. It is now available for your amusement. We ended up talking about a wide range of topics. You can listen to the audio-only podcast at the RC Roundtable Podcast, Episode 195, The Godfather (03/27/2024). Or you can watch the YouTube video RC Roundtable Podcast- Ep 195/ "The Godfather". It bought back a lot of memories. Keith Signal Seekers RC Club
Signal Seekers Members, Friends & Supporters, I regret to inform you that for the second time this year we have experienced a vandalism event at our flying field in Westland. The first event was on February 24th. At that time someone cut the power cables from the solar panels, stole the security camera and cut and removed the chain protecting the storage container doors. They did not gain entry, but they tried their best (and damaged the door and lock in the process.) The damage was repaired, but the camera was not replaced. ![]() Yesterday was much worse. Someone (maybe the same someone) climbed up on the top of the container (no small feat) and took a baseball bat or a crowbar to both solar panels, completely destroying them. They then proceeded to the shelter and broke every chair, upturned the picnic tables, destroyed the starter benches and smashed all of the photos, the bulletin board and (the worst part) the nice framed artwork given to us by the kids at Burger School. It appears they also punched holes in the side of the shelter, and climbed onto the roof to poke holes there too. The shelter is a mess. The damage done and the obvious anger shown toward us was shocking, considering how this club has supported the community, local business and local schools (particularly the Burger School) over the years. It's just so senseless. ![]() ![]() There is a lot of cleanup to do and thousands of dollars of damage to repair. Westland PD has been contacted and police reports filed, but the remote location of the field makes it difficult to patrol. Our best bet is to catch whoever did this by getting the word out and keeping our eyes and ears open. If nothing else, our presence and vigilance may be a deterrent. ![]() "Stuff" can be replaced. People cannot. Whoever did this is obviously violent and cares little for the people around them. While we sort this out, please be watchful, and fly with a friend or two. There is safety in numbers. Of course, if anyone reading this has any tips for the Westland Police Department, please reach out to a club officer and we will notify the proper authorities. Fly safe everyone. Dave Schneck - President, Signal Seekers RC Club Model Classics
Ken, I've been getting your Ampeer for a couple of years or more and I thank you, even though I'm not deep into electric flight. I was editor/publisher of Sam Speaks, the Society of Antique Modelers publication for about 15 years and requested that they find another editor at the end of 2023. During a portion of that time I also started publishing Model Classics, a subscription based ($24 per year) digital online magazine the provides back issues of magazines like Air Trails, Model Airplane News, Flying Models, Aeromodeller and others as complete digital issues that have been scanned and run through OCR (Optical Character Resolution). In the last issue I switched the format a bit and went to a bi-monthly format (may switch back to monthly later). Each bi-monthly issue will contain 12 digital issues, a full calendar year of one of the magazines listed above, or two years in case of bi-monthly publications. I also sometimes include a digitized adventure book or special interest book for model builders and home-shop-machinist types. I am planning to expand from a primarily model airplane centered format to include other types of model building including those of a mechanical or machine shop nature If you would like to see the current website issue click on the link below - https://fullsizeplans.com/. If you would like to review the current Feb/Mar issue just click on the link below to download it https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/j6egdq4mldrwjua/MC-2024-FEB-MAR.pdf/file. The reason for my email is to ask permission to include a link to and possibly brief one or two sentence summary of your Ampeer monthly issues in each of my Model Classic issues. Regards,
The April 2024 EFO Flying Meeting The April EFO flying meeting was held on Wednesday, April 10, at the Legacy Center dome in Brighton, MI. ![]() Before going to the Legacy Center, several of the EFO members met at Captain Joe's Grill in Whitmore Lake, MI. The restaurant is only a few miles south of the Legacy Center. The food and service were good, and the conversation outstanding. ![]() Dave, Norm, Keith, Denny, Roger and Bill Jr. are shown enjoying the lunch conversation. After lunch, the members met up again at the Legacy Center. The EFO turnout was good, but, since the weather here in southeastern Michigan has become quite spring-like, there weren't as many other folks there as usual. This allowed for a lot of flying time during the two hour session. ![]() Denny and Dave are shown flying while Keith and Roger converse. ![]() Denny Sumner returns to the pits after another successful flight. ![]() The photo shows a bit of low-level flying. Here is a link to a short video of Keith Shaw doing a Touch-N-Go on an improvised aircraft carrier during the monthly EFO flying meeting. As usual, a great time was had by all. See ya at the flying field soon! Keith Shaw, RC Test Pilot
(Over the years, Keith has acted as a test pilot for both university and private flying projects that use radio control. We had a great chat yesterday, April 14, 2024, via phone about his latest test pilot experience with a team from the university. He started the conversation with, "I just got back from flying." I was more than surprised, as it had been a super windy day. He followed up our conversation with the following information via email. KM) I test flew one of the Michigan student projects today in a 20+ mph gentle breeze. This is a really interesting challenge, as the plane is limited to a 5 foot span (60 inches), and must be able to be folded to fit between two walls separated by 30 inches. I am sure most of the. teams have gone with a folding wing, but after carefully reviewing the rules, they have done it with a fold up tail, looking much like a scorpion. Just behind the wing's trailing edge is a hardware store door hinge, and on the bottom is a suitcase latch. It works great. There is no power limit other than staying below 6s LiPos. The biggest requirement is that to achieve any points on the various missions, the plane has to be airborne, from a standing start, in 20 feet! At least it will be on pavement. The first mission is a take off and then go out and do as many laps around a course in 5 minutes as possible. The second mission is to carry a platform with a specified medicine cabinet, a gurney, and a space for a med tech, with lots of points for a heavier amount of meds. The third is to carry as many standard passengers (3d printer to a spec) as possible. The plane is a shoulder wing, taildragger with a T-tail and twin tractor props. Think OV-10 Bronco. There is a LARGE blown Fowler flap over the entire wing behind the 20/16 props, which pull about 1500 watts EACH. It also has tip plates and a fairly low aspect ratio, with about 900 sq.in. of wing area. The bare plane, for mission 1, weighs 18 pounds. I would estimate that it lifted off of the grass at 1/3 power, in less than 10 feet. The flight speed is about 70 mph at full bore, so they should be able to get in a good number of laps. Honestly, it handled like a park flier. With the medicine cabinet and gurney setup it weighed 23.5 pounds, and needed a little over half throttle to fly. The handling is amazingly docile and attempts to do a straight ahead stall just resulted in a gentle mush. The third flight was loaded with all the weight they had, and the plane now weighed 32 pounds. I will let you ponder the wing loading. Believe it or not, it still flew like a sport plane with no bad habits. I did have to use full power for takeoff (right at 20 feet without flaps), and the landing did burn up a lot of runway due to inertia, but it never felt the least bit vicious. Amazing. If you don't have a calculator handy, that is 82 oz/sq.ft. :-O The airframe is all composite, and was still in overall primer grey, so their task, for the students, for the rest of the day was to dust on some color spray paint, after fixing/strengthening some minor bits around the motor mounts. Tomorrow (April 15 KM), they pack and head for the competition somewhere in Kansas. Right down to the wire. I am proud of them and will be anxious to hear of their results. Keith The Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in, Saturday, June 1, 2024
The Balsa Butchers are hosting the "Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-In", for the 22nd year, at their field near Coldwater, MI. The event takes place on Saturday, June 1, 2024. It is a one day event. The event consists of Open Electric Flying with a "Special Guest of Honor Theme", Happy Birthday Keith Shaw [June 6]. Enjoy a day with the "Pioneering Master of Electric R/C Flight". 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday. NO LANDING FEE! Donations for field maintenance and lunch appreciated. For additional information contact;
The field will be open for guests to fly on Sunday as well. 40th Annual Mid-America Electric Flies 2024 &
AMA Sanctioned Event (Proof of AMA membership required to fly - Sorry MAAC membership is no longer accepted)
Hosted by the:
Contest Directors are:
Website for updates:
Registration: 9 A.M. Saturday
(Open Flying Saturday after the Event & All Day Sunday
No Pilot Landing Fee
No Parking Donation Will Be Requested from Spectators or Those Participating in the Open Air Swap Shop
Awards on Saturday Only!
Planes Must Fly To Be Considered for Any Award
The Field is Open for Open Flying All Day Friday
The NCM (Not Conventional Materials) Event Traditionally, model aircraft airframes have been mostly constructed from balsa wood, plywood, spruce, and fiberglass. For the purposes of this meet, NCM airframes are mostly constructed from not conventional materials i.e.; sheet foam, foam board, cardboard, block foam, foam insulation material, etc. Foam Flurry for NCM aircraft: This is a true event. It is based upon the all up/last down event of early electric meets. Any NCM aircraft may be used (no ARF types). Power systems are limited to a maximum of 3S (no paralleling) LiPo batteries or 4S maximum, no paralleling, for A123 packs. All planes qualifying for this event will launch at the same time, and the last one to land will be declared the winner. The old entrance to the Midwest RC Society flying field is permanently closed!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE IT!!!
The field entrance is on the north side of Seven Mile Road about 1.5 Miles west of Currie Rd.
To locate the Midwest R/C Society 7 Mile Rd. flying field, site of the Mid-America Electric Flies, look near top left corner of the map, where the star marks the spot, near Seven Mile Road and Currie Rd. Because of their convenient location and the easy drive to the flying field, the Comfort Suites and Holiday Inn Express in Wixom, MI have been added to the hotels' listing. They are only 10 miles northeast of the field and located near I-96 and Wixom Road. See the map-hotel .pdf for more details. There is a designated area for swappers. Please check-in at the event registration table before setting up. Someone from registration will point out where you may set up. Bring your own table(s) and chair(s). There is no swap meet fee. A donation to the Midwest RC Society for the use of their flying field would be greatly appreciated. To Reach Ken Myers, you can land mail to the address at the top of the page. My E-mail address is: KMyersEFO@theampeer.org |