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Flying High With Electric Power!
The Ampeer ON-LINE!
Fly the Future - Fly Electric! |
President: | Vice-President: | Secretary-Treasurer: |
Ken Myers | Richard Utkan | Debbie McNeely |
1911 Bradshaw Ct. | 240 Cabinet | 4733 Crows Nest Ct. |
Commerce Twp., MI 48390 | Milford, MI 48381 | Brighton, MI 48116 |
(810) 669-8124 | (810) 685-1705 | (810) 220-2297 |
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Board of Directors: | Board of Directors: | Ampeer Editor |
Keith Clark | Jeff Hauser | Ken Myers |
2140 E. Highland Rd. | 18200 Rosetta | 1911 Bradshaw Ct. |
Howell, MI 48843 | Eastpointe, MI 48021 | Commerce Twp., MI 48390 |
(517) 546-2462 | (810) 772-2499 | (810 ) 669-8124 |
Upcoming EFO Meeting: Thursday, April 3, 1997
Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Dublin Community Center, just N. of the village of Union Lake on Union Lake Rd. across from St. Patrick's Church |
Hobby SHACK How to contact this supplier. | Why David Summers delves into the psychology of flight. The famous poem &auot;High Flight" is included. |
ElectriCub Info David Summers recommends washout on the wing of this plane. | AstroFlight's New Gearbox Ratios After talking with Bob Boucher, Keith Shaw fills us in on the exact gearbox ratios. |
New Goodies Headed Your Way Azarr tells us what's coming soon from him. | Getting It Right Lex Davidson notes that only some "Experts" are getting it right on converting glow to electric planes and an accident caused by a missing blade on a folding prop |
Get up to the Minute Info on the New Astro Flight SUPERBOX Gearboxes! Link to AstroFlight's Webpage | The Mini-Bell Peter Delevoryas discusses his electric version |
From the Horse's Mouth Bob Boucher updates on his latest gearboxes and brushless 020 motor | Take It With YOU - RVers! | Paul Ashford tells why he chose his particular new glider; to fit in his RV!
The March Meeting Highlights: Jack Lemon shared a couple of new Speed 400 motors he picked up and Ernie LaBelle had a new glider, with photo | More Electric Flight Product News | Bernard Cawley, via Charge Ahead, reports on newe products from New Creations RC and AstroFlight.
Modifying the Ace Simple Series Texan to Electric< Dave Jones provides step-by-step conversion of this plane to electric with photos. | Thanks for your efforts on locating Whisper | Eric Olson thanks Ken for helping to locate parts for his WhisperMid-America Flies info</a> Flyer for the upcoming event. | Upcoming Events Calendar of upcoming electric events |
Hobby Shack has been a great source for modelling supplies for many, many years. Their Website is being constantly updated and you should stop by and see what’s there. There is very useful information about modelling, the products that they carry - LOTS - and connections to other clubs, magazine and manufacturers. Start at their home page: http://www.hobbyshack.com/ You can order their catalog and special fliers online or write to them at: Hobby Shack 18480 Bandilier Circle Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Phone: (800) 854-8471 Sooner or later we have to answer the questions. Why do we fly? Why do we spend all that time building fragile aircraft that will probably be pulverized sooner rather than later? Why do some of us go out there in the most atrocious weather conditions to tempt fate? Why do we always have to have that one last flight that ends up in disaster? Why do we always push the envelope? Why, why and why? Since the earliest days we have looked skyward because flight is inherently beautiful and intriguing. From our science, we know how a wing produces lift, but there is still a sense of magic about flight. Let's face it, when you watch a Boeing 747 coming in to land, all your instincts tell you that those tons of airplane just shouldn't be floating there in thin air. The flight of some birds is more attractive or interesting to us than others. The soaring, effortless grace of an albatross is pure poetry in motion and is emulated by our long winged, floating gliders. Closer to home, who among us cannot admire the skill of the hawk as it milks the thermals for altitude and gracefully patrols the sky? What else in nature can compare to the majestic sight of a large flock of Canada Geese in full vee formation honking out their joy? The unbelievable low-level aerobatics of martins hunting insects on the wing are beyond any RC fingers to control while the wizardry of the hummingbird is unmatched in the model world, except perhaps by the helicopter enthusiasts. By in large, we tend to find bigger birds more interesting and our models follow that pattern. Are the models our way of coming as close as we can to fulfill one of our oldest dreams - to fly? There is something intrinsically beautiful about watching a model aircraft in flight. It is the movement, the graceful motion as the aircraft transitions from one attitude to another in a three- dimensional dance that attracts and holds the eye. Like a figure skater, we spend hundreds of hours practising those movements so that they flow smoothly from one to the other. Away from the field, we often stop what we are doing and with our hands and minds trace out those aerial steps - to the puzzlement of spouses and friends who cannot see the model flying in our imagination. In John Gillespie Magee Jr.’s words, "We have slipped the surly bonds of earth." The flying field can either be an unbearably hot and sun-seared or a windy, wet and bone- chilling place to be - so why spend any time there? One might begin to suspect that there is something almost prehistoric about flying clubs. Pilots go there not just to fly, but to bond - a throwback to the club-wielding hunting group huddled in a cave swapping stories about the last mammoth hunt? Members will often drop by the flight line when they have no intention of flying. They just need to get their fix of a pint of prop wash. Contrary to the Hollywood image, pilots are not strong, silent types. They talk. Flying is a lot of jaw boning - the exchange of very arcane knowledge. To the outsider, the topics would seem incredibly dull. We talk about the much the same things over and over, except each time it is somehow quite different and interesting. There is no such thing as a boring conversation in the pits. But why? Is it because it is a re-enactment of the hunting group yarn telling? Do we hang on every word because we might learn something that will save our model? Or is it more basic? The flying field is a great leveller, an almost perfect democracy. Do we talk because it is a non- threatening environment? There is an element of risk in our flying. We launch a perfectly functioning model and time after time take the chance of ruining it. We don't have to prove anything to anybody once it has flown properly. Have you noticed that once you have mastered a manoeuvre, you just cannot leave well enough alone? We are forever flying when the wind is just too mean and tricky. We are our own worst enemies. We simply cannot just stick to the basics, we have to keep pushing the edge. Taking off from dry land is not enough, we also like the challenge of lifting off from water and snow. We seem to crave the excitement that a little bit of danger brings. Challenge seems to be a key element. Other people don't challenge us, we challenge ourselves. Nobody on the flight line would dream of daring a fellow flyer to prove that he can fly - it just isn't necessary. Sooner or later, the urge will overcome a pilot, and he will taxi up to the line and take off. It is remarkably similar to an infant bird in the act of fledging. What incredible drive causes a chick to leave the safety of the nest and to throw itself headlong to almost certain destruction? Why fly when you might die? It takes a certain type of character to become a pilot. Setting aside the physical requirements for good vision and hand/eye co-ordination, there is a need for a mind set that is different. Have you ever noticed how many people quit in the training phase? Something goes wrong and they lose the faith. Those who have earned their wings know that things are going to go very badly one day and they have learned to accept the consequences and to keep going. When a seasoned pilot crashes and smashes, there is no doubt in anybody's mind that he will come back again. We just do. Most of us live pretty dull existences. But, out at the field we can escape the drudgery for a while and play. It is childlike, carefree, unabashed fun. There are no medals, no prizes, just an inner glow. We fly - we tempt fate - we conquer the elements and defy gravity. Why? Just so that we can do it all over again. It brings some zest into our lives. We become keen observers of weather. In our everyday jobs, we are forever glancing at the sky trying to judge the wind speed and figuring out what it would be like if we were out there flying. We start to observe weather patterns that we would never have noticed before. Equally, we challenge the weather. We fly when it is too windy, too cold and too wet. Why do we fly when we are so uncomfortable? We certainly stop most other activities - like mowing the lawn? Is this also the neanderthal in us trying to reconnect with nature? Is flying a sport or a hobby? For most of us, those who build and fly, it is both. Those who meld a box of balsa, assorted bits of wire, plastic and metal into a model airplane are engaging in the time-honoured hobby of model building. The fact that the model is an aircraft, as opposed to a sailing ship in a bottle, is irrelevant at this point. BUT, once the enthusiast actually commits the model to the sky, then it is a sport. It is not quite an athletic activity, but it has elements of lifting, bending, carrying, co-ordinating and of course praying (and other "..ings") that tend to make it very similar to sports such as fishing. Speaking of fishing, note the similarity - the endless talk, the getting away from it all, the long hours, the varying weather conditions - some nuts even try to ice fish, just like frozen-finger flyers who simply don't know when the season is over. Why do we get so scared when we fly? Flying is very much safer than driving to the field. You stand a very good chance of being badly hurt just transporting your model to and from the field, but the chance of personal injury if your model crashes is almost non-existent. Do we somehow transfer our soul to the aircraft such that we tremble when we have a close call? Can you remember that horrible feeling when you flew one into the dirt big time? There is the nauseating crunch of splintering balsa, the slow-motion crumpling of the thing of beauty into a twisted mess, the initial shock, then a numbness and afterwards a period of grieving. We get very attached to our planes. After all is said and done, it could be allowed that all that is going on is that we are out there reliving our childhood playing with expensive toys. The actual flying takes total concentration and shuts out the daily problems and annoyances - total relief from the cares of everyday life. Fifteen minutes in the air can leave you totally exhausted and yet as satisfied as though you had just won Olympic Gold. However, it is not just the flying, there is much more to it and that something extra is why we keep coming back for more. But, just try to explain it to someone who has never flown a radio-controlled aircraft in an RC Club setting. Let's face it, we fly, but we don't exactly know why. Footnote: John Gillespie Magee, Jr., was born in Shanghai in 1922, the son of American missionary parents. In 1940, he won a scholarship to Yale but turned it down to join the RCAF. Magee was killed as a pilot officer in Britain in December 1941, while flying a Spitfire on practice manoeuvres. He was 19. High Flight
O, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
Up, the long delirious, burning blue
Source: Reader’s Digest. The Canadians at War 1939/45, . Vol 2. 1966 About the Author: David Summers is a 54 year old Canadian who is a member of flying the Toronto RC Flying Club. He built free-flight models as a teenager, but gave it up. He started RC Flying in 1994 at the age of 51. His interests range from hi-start gliders, to electrics to glow-powered. He flies all year round off land, water and snow. He can be reached at ironsidz@netcom.ca The following note also arrived from David
We Torontonians got a fresh dump of about three inches of light powder snow last night. I find these conditions are ideal for flying float planes off snow. Hence, I took out my Cub. It is a beautiful experience to take a float plane off the snow on a bright sunny day. I built the ElectiCub right after my Carl Goldberg Mirage 550 - which I still fly off a schoolyard baseball diamond. Starting from home plate, it does an ROG before getting to first base on a 7.2 volt 550 can motor with a 1400 SCR battery. Nearing completion, I decided that the Cub was just another Mirage. So, I keep all the micro-servos, upgraded to a 0.25 glow engine and added aerilons. It flew, but was always very difficult when rounding out for the landing. If I let the speed drop too much, I got a dramatic right wing tip stall. Last summer I put the Cub on floats and had no trouble taking off, but the added weight really accentuated the tip stall - it fell out of the sky at quarter throttle. The solution was to crank in about 3 degrees of washout (LE down and TE up) on both wing tips. This morning I was landing (snowing) the floats into a 15 mph wind and touching down at about 10 mph ground speed - steady as a rock even in the wind. Consequently, if anybody is building an ElectriCub, I recommend they consider a bit of wing tip washout to cure the low speed tip stall possibility. Astro Flight's New Gearbox Ratios
Hi Ken,
 All the other ratios are initial production values. It would only take the purchase of some 1/8" 13 tooth pinions to change the 035 box to a lower ratio. But a FAI open frame 035 on 10 cells with a 4.36 box would probably blow the Turbo Ten out of the water! By the way, Bob Kopski came up with a good way of keeping the brass helical pinions in place on the motor shaft. Before you press on the pinion, use an automatic (spring loaded) center punch to put a couple of divots on opposite sides of the shaft about where the middle of the pinion will be. These will both prevent the pinion rotating and sliding foward. The center punch mushrooms out some metal in a ring around where the depression occurs. Keep in touch...Keith
New Goodies Headed Your Way
Speed 400 Specialties, 1750 Lundgren Rd., New Carlisle, OH 45344, PH: (937) 849-0418, FAX: (937) 849-0518 I'm planning a more or less monthly snail mail newsletter similar to what I did before I sold Air Flair as I still have my customer list. For right now, e-mail to Sp400racer@aol.com or snail mail will get someone on the mailing list. I'll have an ad on E-Zone in Apr, right now I'm working on 6 ARC Mini-streaks for Tim McDonough to have for Toledo. I'm planning on offering the Mini-streak ARC for $75 and will have the usual assortment of motors/kits along with a few new items. I am also working with Tom Hunt on providing ARC versions of his speed 400 stick models. I'm working on a Speed 400 pylon racer for the NATS and hope to have the finished weight around 13.5 oz. The prototype should fly within a week or two, weather permitting. The plane is a highly modified version of Robert Vess' (Miss Martha & Smith Super Special) EZ Mark 2, with the mods strictly for e-flight considerations, so I know the basic planform is plausible. The slimer version flew at 10.5-11 oz with the Russian VA engines and a 1 oz tank so I think I can make the weight. I expect the airframe to be in the 2.5-3oz range before covering. Getting It Right
Dear Ken,
I particularly enjoyed the response from Bob Benjamin and Bob Boucher on the "Tale of Two Models". If guys in clubs like the Silent Fliers of San Diego can get it that wrong one would wonder what hope there is for modellers in "Wet" clubs getting a first conversion right. Bob Boucher emphasises prop speed in his response. I have only just come to realise how important this is. It is critical and more important than watts per pound. (???? km) Real example-- Nice gentle Black Magic vintage model of about 3 lb usually flown on an 11x6 with 7cells. With a bit of a breeze takes off in about 3 feet. Same model with a 12x4 (The following is from Bob Boucher’s Electric Motor Handbook, available from Astro Flight and other sources. "Thirdly, please note that at almost all useable speeds, one never wants to use a propeller with a pitch to diameter ratio less than 0.5. VERY LOW PITCH PROPS like 9x3, 12x4, 18x6 and 24x8 are best used for stirring paint." km) can't take off and will only stagger around the sky.The watts per pound are nearly the same but the prop speed with the 12x4 is not high enough for safe comfortable flying. The ElectriCalc programme, that you have listed on your page, really does help in taking the guess work out of whether or not there will be enough power and enough prop speed/thrust generated. I got my copy of ElectriCalc soon after it was released. I seem to spend many nights trying different combinations for guys. Cheaper and faster than doing it in the air. As the authors say the real test is in the air. There is another little software gem on your Computer Software page--"Plane Geometry". For an impartial review go to the R/C Soaring web site. I read the review and had to get it (at US$19.95 it wasn't a big risk). It is a number of Excel spreadsheets that assist in designing models. The calculations it presents are mind boggling and your "dream" is also represented in a rotateable 3 view drawing!! All done in Excel!!! If you are an Excel user this is worth buying just to see what Excel Graphs can be made to do. Comes on 1 disk with about 30 pages of documentation, mainly explaining the results. I didn't want to be up all night putting in other guys dreams so have offered to on sell it down here. One last thing - a safety issue. Our member with the AVEOX and RAPTOR went out to the field for a fly on his own. Mistake number one. We don't have snakes or other nasties down here but if he had hurt himself he could have been in trouble. He could have bleed to death. As he was ready to launch he noticed a blade was missing form the prop!!! He switched off his TX, mistake number two, and walked back to his car. On the way back he picked up some inter-ference that put the AVEOX (with a full 12 cell pack) to full throttle!! It didn't stay in the model long and only stopped when a wire twisted out of the controller. Fortunately he didn't try to catch the motor. Why didn't he switch the RX off? ---- Because he needed a screwdriver to get at the switches. This still doesn't answer why he switched the TX off. I guess that was the shock of finding a blade missing. The moral is TX on RX on then RX off TX off and never put switches where you need tools to get at them. Get up to the Minute Info on the New Astro Flight SUPERBOX Gearboxes! Click the link to get the very latest updated information on the Astro Flgiht Super Box, http://www.astroflight.com/astroflight/superbox.html Use your browser's "back button" to return here. The Mini-Bell
Have you ever heard of the Mini Bell? (Yep, we used to sell it in a "plastic bag", when I worked part time in a hobby shop. km) It is a 24" R/C plane for .020 power. I built one for CO2, lengthening the span to 30". It was disappointing with a GMOT 300. THEN, I got a speed 280 and the tiny Jeti 05 controller, and modified the fuse to hold 6 N500 AR batteries. Radio is Hitec micro rx, 2 HS60's. Econokote on fuse & tail, litespan on wing. Don't know all-up weight, probably around 11 oz., 130 sq." I also removed the landing gear and put a Sonic Tronics 6x4 folder on. Average flights are almost out of sight at about 15 min. with no thermals. Because there is no brake, the prop drags during glide. Even though I just like to fly it up in circles, it will do mild aerobatics. Snap rolls on a dime. Based on my experience with gas ( noisy & messy ) CO2 (too limited), electric is fantastic. I had been out of electric for a while, since coming back speed controllers have come farther along. My next experiment is going to be with the Speed 300. I'm going to use some Ace foam wings and a pylon for the motor above the wing. From the Horse’s Mouth
The 25/40 ratios are measured. The 60 ratios and 90 are calculated. I have since tested 22x10 and 24x10 props on the 60. I am waiting for a 26x14 to test the 90. The 24x10 only loads to 10 amps. I also have 20 tooth pinion for the 60 and a 22 tooth pinion for the 90. I will try to finilize the tests on Tuesday March 11 and will post data then on my web site and send you a file. The 020 tested is the new brushless. THESE NUMBERS WILL NOT CHANGE. The 25/40 AND 60/90 BOXES ARE READY NOW. The 035/05/15 WILL BE READY IN ONE OR TWO WEEKS. I WILL BRING SOME TO TOLDEO. 020 BOX IS ABOUT ONE MONTH AWAY. (This means that all should be available by the time you read this at the end of April! km) All my best, Bob Take It With YOU - RVers!
Thought it about time I e-mailed you to say thanks for letting me know when the Ampeer is ready. I just flown a new model, 60 inch glider with 'V' tail and control on rudder, elevator and motor. Power is by Graupner Speed 400 with 2.33 :1 gearbox on 7 of 500 AR cells, Robbe 210 flight switch. The prop for first flights was an Aeronaut 9.5 x 5 folder, all up weight 26 ounces. Climb out was a little slow but the model flew ok. Control with the V tail proved adequate. I'll try a larger prop when I can get to the model shop to stock up with spare blades. The design criteria was for a model that could be stripped down to 'flat' components so that I can take it on holiday in the RV. The whole thing with a second set of airleron wings for the slope fits into a box measuring 36" x 12" x 5", not counting radio naturally! So looking foward to some evening flights when on vacation! The March Meeting The March meeting was held on a cold blustery evening. Ken updated the roster information for chartering with the AMA. If you’ve not paid your '97 dues, now would be a great time! Ken shared the infomation on the new AF gearboxes with the members present. Jack Lemon brought in a couple of Speed 400 motors. One had the 2.33:1 Graupner gearbox on it. He had an 8x6 three-blade mounted on it, and said that it turns this prop at over 6,600 RPM on 10 v at 10 amps. He’ll be using two of these motor/gearbox combinations on his DC-3. He also noted that he’s finished a "wooden" fuselage for one of his favorite planes - the Etude. It seems that we all have lots of project underway, and hopefully more to share in April. ![]() Ernie LaBelle showed off a "pure" glider that he built while being "housebound" all of January. We're not sure what it is, but it dates from the early 70’s. I thought that it might be a Wind Drifter, but I’m not much of a sailplane guy. Ernie LaBelle shows off his latest project, a sailplane of unknown origin. It was given to him. As usual, his workmanship was out standing. He used "leftover" covering to come up with the silver/red/transparent blue and orange color scheme. April should have been an interesting e-month for us, as our meeting was just before the Toledo R/C Expo! More Electric Flight Product News
New Creations News Kirk Massey, head man at New Creations, also told me in a recent conversation that Tony Fiori, of Astro 90 powered Mustang fame, is making his own 50-cell-capable speed control, and that it is available from New Creations. If you're working on a really high-power setup, give Kirk a call to find out more. New Creations R/C, P. O. Box 496, Willis, Texas 77378, or call him on (409) 856-4630. You can e-mail Kirk at 76221.2446@compuserve.com. He doesn't often reply to notes, but he does respond to requests for catalogs and such, or orders, via e-mail. Astro Flight is keeping busy as well. Work is proceeding on the small brushless motor I mentioned but, like a lot of product development projects, it isn't going as quickly as first projected. Keith Shaw did have a prototype flying at KRC in the fall of ‘96, and Doug Ingraham has received his prototype, but there are no production units yet. (This should be changed by the time you read this! km) Doug hasn't been able to fly the prototype - flying weather in South Dakota is a little scarce at the moment. Bob Boucher told me via e-mail that there are to be 50 in the first batch. Price: $200 for motor and controller. In the meantime, Astro has introduced a new optocoupled version of the 204 speed control - the 204DX. This is a 7-36 cell, 50A continuous speed control that basically replaces the old 205. List price is $149.95. The waterproof 207D has also been upgraded with an optocoupler. Astro has upgraded the 110D and 112D chargers again - they now have a fuse in the output line to protect the charger from reversed connections to the battery being charged. I'm told this will work for 7 cells, but isn't fast enough for bigger packs. So - if you change the output connector from the Zero-Loss or make a patch cord, especially to Sermos or Anderson powerpoles, BE CAREFUL, regardless of the vintage of your 110D or 112D. A new product, which was shown at the IMS show in mid-January is the new Astro Watt Meter. This, according to Doug, uses the display from the 110/112D chargers to simultaneously show voltage, current, instantaneous power (Watts) and amp hours. Lots of information in a small package. Sounds like a must-have tool for testing fanatics like me. Astro Flight now has a worldwide web site as well, called, not surprisingly, www.astroflight.com. It has product data, company history, special offers on some goodies, even some of Astro Bob's thoughts on the federal tax system and some of the recent proposals to change it. Those of you with web browsing capability should take a look. You can also e-mail Astro Bob at info@astroflight.com. Astro Flight, 11331 Beach Avenue, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. Modifying the Ace Simple Series Texan to Electric
Start by installing the aileron servo in the wing, as is traditional to the Simple Series planes. Notch F3 to allow the battery to be moved forward and back to adjust the Center of Gravity (CG). Using double sided VelcroTM, available from Viper Model Products1. Make two straps to anchor the battery. Move the elevator servo forward to the left side of the aircraft, with the aft mount just ahead of F3. Using scrap ply from the kit, make two servo mount blocks and mount to servo. Notch the 3/32 doubler approximately 1/2" long, enough to clear the servo and mounts. Make a motor mount by wrapping 1/64" ply around the motor you are using and carefully glue. (We used the AP29BB and Graupner 4.7 x 4.7 prop.) Use enough material to allow clearance behind the motor for the power wires. Using the plan, make a backplate from 1/8" plywood, the same dimensions as the back of the ACE engine mount. Use of a BEC speed controller (ESC) is highly recommended, as it negates the need for a receiver battery and its extra weight. This plane has been flown electrically in many different configurations. The following are a couple of suggestions for your conversion.
The Texan is an excellent conversion for electrics. Build one and let's race at the
Mid-America Flies.
![]() When the conversion was completed it was off to the field for the first flight. With the assistance of Rob Dyer, owner of the field, the plane was launched into a light breeze. There were no dips, just a straight flight out. Pulling a pylon turn was NO PROBLEM. With the 500AR's it was close on making the 10 laps. Hat's off to Fred Reese, the simple series master. ![]() F3 had to be sanded away below the cockpit floor to allow battery movement to adjust CG. The CG is very critical in small aircraft, make sure that it is exact! Fuselage Doubler was notched to allow the servo to be flush with the fuselage side. Weight for this version was 20 oz. ![]() The motor mount "tube" can be clearly seen in this photo. The motor mount is 1/64" ply wrap and 1/8" ply backplate. Note that this is a direct conversion and be be switched back at a moments notice to a fire breathing 1/2A glow. The mount goes directly into the same holes as the Cox mount, and the wires go through the fule line holes. The aileron servo is in the wing to allow for movement of the motor batteries for correct CG location. ![]() A newer version of the Shrike may be available from ACE, using two of the new Graupner Speed 480 motors. Let them know if you are interested. The more contact they receive, the more likely they are to release it. The new version will be known as the "Hoover Hornet". Whisper Parts
Thanks for your efforts on locating Whisper parts. I have since learned that Airtronics has some direct relationship with Kalt and sells their parts. Larry is the contact person, and the address is; Airtronics, 15311 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 I just thought that by informing you, we might help out somebody else. Regards, Eric Olson The Mid-America Flies '97 AMA Sanctioned (New Location - See Below & Map) Saturday, July 12 & Sunday, July 13 , 1997 Hosted by the:
your Contest Directors are:
Flying both days is at the new location, the Midwest R/C Society Flying Field - 5 Mile Rd., Northville Twp., MI (see map) Registration: 8:30 A.M. both days * * * * * Flying from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Gold Stickered Transmitters are REQUIRED! = = = = = All 50 frequencies will be used
Refreshments will be available at the field both days.
Come and join us for two days of fun and relaxed electric flying.
Come, Look, Listen, Learn - Fly Electric - Fly the Future! Saturday's & Sunday's Awards: Plaques for 1st in each category Merchandise drawing for ALL entrants To locate the Midwest R/C Society flying field, site of the 1997 Mid-America Electric Flies, look on the far left side of the map (top as viewed here), where X marks the spot near Five Mile Road and Napier. The field entrance is off of Five Mile Road. M-14 can be entered and exited via Beck Road. Rates are believed to be per night on the weekend for 2, and were the best infomation I could get on 11/10/96.
Upcoming Events: April 13, 1997 Capital Area Soaring Association's Annual SPRING SIZZLER ELECTRIC FUN FLY, Gude Drive Field, Rockville,
Maryland, Call Roy Smith at 301-279-2966 for more information.
To Reach Ken Myers, you can land mail to the address at the top of the page. My E-mail address is: KMyersEFO@theampeer.org |