club" flying field and some from KRC. Richard Utkan brought in the plans for a couple of Speed 400 planes. One was a set from RCM for an old timer and the other was the Model-air-Tech Fantastic. This allowed some new club members to
engine transport, featured here in the Ampeer, and now redone as a twin. What a great way to "recycle" planes! Great idea Don!
ask about powering these planes, and how to set up the radio gear in them. Guest, Joe Hass, AMA Dist. VII AVP brought in three planes.
Ken also showed his Goldberg Eaglet 50. This is part of a project you'll soon be reading more about, right here!
The KRC E-Fly Event
David Segal email: 76641.2074@compuserve.com
The 1998 Keystone Radio Club Electric-Fly will be held on September 18,19 and 20th. The site will again be the excellent Queen City Airport in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Pre-registrations for the All-Up-Last-Down event will be accepted by telephone starting June 30 by calling the KRC hotline at 215-234-0558. Further information will be posted on the KRC web site at http://www.krc.org/
Top pic, several members are looking at a Velkom DC-3 designed for Speed 600 motors. Joe had several questions about the kit, since it didn't come with plans or instructions. It is
possible import. Joe is acting as a test builder for this kit. I'm not sure we helped much, but we all enjoyed
looking at it. I also believe that Jack Lemon gave Joe a few good wiring tips. Joe also showed off his Extasi flying wing. He noted that it really flies quite well. The Global Hobby's Hurricane (no not scale) is powered by an AF25G. Joe really
Dave Grife's Big Bipe details and photo from Clay Howe
Here's what I have on the plane... 1/4 scale Proctor kit, span 88", weight 24 lbs, area 2056 sq/in, wing loading 27 oz per sq/ft, AFI 60 with 3:1 superbox, 36 Sanyo RC2000 cells, AFI 204D ESC. It swings a 26x14 prop at 4000 RPM.
likes the way that it flies, and we all admired the Ultracoat
Delta UPDATE: plane rating-MiniDelta 2000... MIni-Delta 2000, NO STARS.
The Mini-Delta 2000 is from Windsock Models of the UK. Delta wing WS 38", length about same. The CG location is so far off (more than 3" !!) that plane is unflyable unless you like major repairs after every attempt. Ship this one.
Grant Calkins - Muroc Model Mastes (Edwards AFB, California)
finish and gra-phics done for him in a gra-phics shop. Don Skiff showed off a plane you've all seen before. It was his single