The October Meeting
The October meeting was held at the Rushton Road flying field on Saturday, October 10. It was a beautiful fall day. The sun was shining, and the temperature about 65 degrees, with light winds. There was a large selection of models including; Revolt, Crackle, Mirage 550, CG Eaglet, Twin Skynight, Dymond Models Cub-thingy, PuddleMaster, Easy Electro 72 and more. The members and guests had a very good time flying and chatting about electric R/C.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the day, the
friends and food. Of course, hot dogs were the main fair of the day, along with a choice of chips and selection of various sodas and water. It was a great day and way to close down the "official" flying season. Anyone for a winter fly?
We also signed up a new member. Welcome Bob Henderson of South Lyon!
The next meeting will be held at the Dublin Community Center, on Thursday, November 5. See you then. The topic will be timing an AF 90 with gearbox. See you then.
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