result longer life Charging Optima max. less than 25 A (after my tough flying day -I use cca 30Ah, still 11.9 V !!!! - it is charged with my Schulze charger max. 9A within 3-4 hours) Normal max. I=cca C/10 or better less i.e. with 4-5A double time result after 2-4 h ready for other use Internal resistance Optima very low i.e. low self discharge, efficiency, high charging currents (no heat, no bubbles etc.) Traction Bat. rel. low currents for long time and deep cycle e-flyers needs this they are expensive Normal start Bat. High currents for short time, no deep cycle e-flyers DONT need this, but on my expirience 99% here are using them rel. cheap Semitraction Maybe good compromise
Optima is producing even special start batteries (start current cca 750 A for 30 sec. !!), but they are not deep cycle and funny is I've seen them already with elec. cars models guys. I guess they are wrong, why they need for theirs 6 cells cars start bat. with 750 A shortcut current (and this bat. Is really expensive at least here in Czech Rep.)?
I am not a dealer nor commercial connected with Optima Battery Inc. I'd like to give just idea to other e-flyers to think about before they spend some bucks for new lead-acid battery. Everything here are my experiences and knowledge. Everything mentioned here is for standalone batteries, I can't recommend to discharge cars battery to 20% and then at the evening try to leave airfield .... best regards Roman