This photo shows some the activity looking east down the flight line.  The pavilion, which helped to shade the many spectators, can be seen in the background.

From Jim Ryan (

The 1998 Mid-America Electric Fly is now history (I'm sure Keith and Ken are heaving a sigh of relief), and I have to say that this is the finest electric FLYING event I have attended or that I know of anywhere in North America. As dedicated electric flyers, Ken and Keith recognize what things are important to making an event like this enjoyable for the participants.
They don't torment us with trivial PA announcements (heck, they don't even HAVE a PA system!). The Midwest field is a wonderful location that is immaculately maintained (I've never seen planes slide that far except on frosty grass <grin>). The flight line control is safe and simple, and yet makes it easy to pile in all the flights you could ever desire. I flew so many times Friday and Saturday that if Sunday had been a rain-out, I wouldn't even have cared.
I wish I knew where to begin and end describing all that

To Ken, Keith, Falcons, EFO, Midwest and even Jeff the parking "Boss": Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thanks again!
To the "Evil Monster" on the other side of the R.R. tracks: Naa, naa, naa!
From 2 tired old men in North Carolina: We'll be back!!!!
John McCullough
and Doug Holland

August 1, 1998

Mr. Keith Shaw
2756 Elmwood
Ann Arbor, MI 48390

Mr. Ken Myers
1911 Bradshaw Ct.
Walled Lake, MI 48390


was best about the event, but it's late, and covering it all would take as long as the event did. It was great getting to see (and fly with) so many good friends from all over North America.
Thanks a million to Ken, Keith, EFO, the Falcons, and the Midwest club for being such great hosts. I can't wait until next year.
Jim Ryan, Cincinnati, OH

From (John McCullough)

To those that made it: It was great seeing you and all the great planes that filled the sky both day and night.
To those that couldn't make it: Sorry we missed you and sorry you missed the most "Fun Event" yet.

Keith's BIG D-VIII. The BIG MaxCim can be seen sticking out of the bottom of the cowl as the dummy engine had not been fitted yet.