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Manufacturers & Supplier Sites

This page was last updated on January 10, 2014. If you find any "dead" links, please report them to me so that I can fix or delete the link. If you have any favorite Manufacturers or Suppliers not listed, please send them to me for inclusion on this page. Thanks, Ken.

1st RC Flight School/David Scott Week-long Training Courses. View the online lessons taken from his new DAS SYSTEM Primary Flight Training Manual. Primary and Advanced courses are available.

3 Sea Bees Models, Inc. - Over 30 vintage Scale Replica Aircraft, factory built, high-quality Custom R/C Models. Large, Custom Built 1/5th scale Replica models of Vintage and Historically significant Aircraft.

ACE Hobby Distributors, Inc., 2055 Main St., Irvine, CA 92614 - phone: 949.833.0088 Simple series planes can be converted to epower. Schoolyard Flyers, chargers, electronic testors, accessories and more. Sparky ARF. Thunder Tiger brushless motors and ACE Li-Po, Ni-Cad and NiMH batteries.

Ace Sim RC simple, survivable, inexpensive performace planes including; CARBON FALCON - the first of the Porta-Planes

Aerospace Composite Products foam and composite materials. Fiberglass, Kevlar and Carbon materials are available in various forms, in large or small quantities, with no minimum purchase required. Complete Line of EZ-Lam Epoxy laminating, finishing and tooling resins, vacuum bagging systems and supplies.Aerospace Composite Products, 14210 Doolittle Dr., San Leandro, CA 94577 Phone Orders: 800.811.2009

Aero Micro has planes, batteries, chargers, special gearboxes for the AF010, props, servos, Berg receivers, and more.

AirAge Media - publisher of Model Airplane News and Backyard Flyer.

Air Craft is an excellent supplier of everything needed for electric flight. Features the Hyperion brand and much, much more.

AirBorne Models is the U.S. distributor of The World Models ARF's; Cub EP (330, Fun World EP (3D type of 700, Rambler EP (259 S400G motor), EP-Sailor (e-power sailplane) and coversion to e-power of Zero, Extra 300, P-51 Mustange, Zen 50, Super Sports Senior and giant scale Spitefire. The conversions are shown on the AirBorne Models site. Lots of accessories including pilot figures and LighTex covering.

Bob's Aircraft Documentation is a Great scale resource. Over 8000 different full color photos and 38,000 3-view drawings. Catalog and CD available.

All e RC is an excellent supplier of the Hyperion motors, planes and Li-Po batteries as well as other great products. I use and recommend this source. KM

Arizona Model Aircrafters, 14795 78th Way #800, Scottdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480.348.3773 Early and Vintage Flying Scale Model Aircraft Kits and Accessories for the SERIOUS Model Builder, featuring Laser Cut Parts & Hardware Packages. Check out the Arizona Model Kits, Airdrome Model Kits and the The Wright Flyer. Their Model Airplanes were used in the movie The Flyboys.

Astro Flight, Inc., 13311 Beach Ave., Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 310.821.6242 --- A world leader of American made brushed and brushless motors, speed controllers (ESCs), chargers and electric accessories. Also, informative articles are available here.

AstroPower-Leisure Australia is a supplier of electric motors; LEISURE "GOLD" Ferrite motors (05 or 600 size) , ND10 Neodymium modified motors (05 or 600 size), ND480 Neodymium modified motors (480 size), and Electric Flight Construction Kits.

BP Hobbies (formerlyBalsa Products) Web site features over 5000+ products, including a lot of GWS (Grand Wing Servo) and Hitec products. TowerPro motors and speed controls can be found here under the BP brand. Lots and lots of electric flight supplies and accessories.

Balsa USA - American Made Model Airplane Kits, Premium Aircraft Grade Plywood, Lite-Ply, Spruce & Hardwoods, Quality Modeler's Supplies, USA Gold CA Adhesives. Custom die making service available --- Balsa USA, P.O. Box 164, Marinette, WI 54143 Order Phone: 800.225.7287

Batteries America (AKA Mr. NiCad) RADIO-CONTROL HOBBY BATTERIES NiCads, NiMH and Li-Po cells and more.

BMJR Model Products has Park Flyer and Free Flight Laser cut kits. Includes the Ugly-Sport for a 280 motor. Ugly-Sport Bi-Plane is based on design effort by Paul Bradley and published in the March 2002 issue of Model Aviation. Kit includes the basic Ugly-Sport, B-302, and includes parts for a second wing and plywood top wing mount.

Dave Brown Products Inc., 4560 Layhigh Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013 (513) 738-1576 --- computer flight simulator, Southern Sorghum (best around for attaching balsa to foam wings) & great light wheels for electrics.

Boca Boca Bearing is a supplier of ball bearings for modelling and industry. Good place to get bearings for bushed motors.
Boca Bearing, 755 NW 17th Ave. #107, Delray Beach, FL 33445 Phone 1-800-332-3256

Castle Creations manufacturer of excellent brushed and brushless Electronic Speed Controls and the Berg line of receivers. Highly recommended!

Cermark - Airplanes (ARF & ARC), Batteries, Battery Charger & Dischargers, Radios, Receivers, Servos & Related Products, Connectors, Electric Motors & Accessories, Electric Speed Controls, Flight Packs and Accessories.

Cheap Battery Packs NiCads, NiMH and Poly RC Li-Po cells - CBP NiMH, Kan, Sanyo, IB & GP.

Classic Aero can provide scale model kits of Sikorsky flying boats in several scales. Designed by Al Mrock.
Proud Sponsor of the Mid-America Electric Flies

Combat Wings has 100% EPP flying wings. Cargon spar, 48" span., E3D planes, Thunder Power Lithium Polymer batteries.

Dionysus Design - Specialized Circuits for Micro R/C Helicopters; TREC (tail rotor electronic controller) ESC, Servo Rate Reducer, Servo Reverser, Glitch Reducer, LED lights, Accessories, Serial Converter and more.

, Diversity Model Aircraft/Steve Belknap, Electric powered R/C Airplanes, Zapped Batteries, Sport Batteries and Other Electric Flight Related Goods including the Skat, Flea, Mad Dog, Butterfly and Dragonfly. Li-Saver for non-Li-Po aware ESCs. Also has a FREE online motor calculator for figuring motor, battery, prop combinations. It's called P-calc

Dremel, 4915 21st Street, Racine, WI 53406-9989 --- Phone: 414.554.1390 -- great power tools for the modeler.

DJ Aerotech is the home of the profile RC Roadkill Series of WWI, WWII and sport planes. They fly well inside, and okay outside. Ask J&D is an excellent e-flight reference source!

Dubro accessories and hardware for R/C, including the new line of accessories for mini RC electrics.

Dymond Modelsport Ltd. is a supplier for; Electric Airplanes, Batteries, Chargers, Speed Controls, Motors, Props, Radios, Electronics, Accessories Tools, FAQs andHow-To's.

Dynaflite - All-wood kits for all fliers. Slow-flying trainers to IMAA-legal giants. The Piece-o-Cake & Butterfly make excellent electric flight conversions & trainers. Piece-O-Cake & 99" Butterfly MkII - both make excellent flying beginner's planes. The Piece-O-Cake shows the electric installation. Most of the sport-scale models make good electrics, even though they are advertised as glow.

Easy Built Models electric powered R/C craftsman kits for; Taylorcraft, Stinson Voyager, Fairchild Ranger, Easy E - Trainer, Bebe Jodel, Pober Pixie, Pilatus Porter, Waco "E", Spacewalker, Super Soarer. Over 160 kits to choose from.

The ElectriCalc site is for infomation about a great computer program to help in the selection of components and expected performance from e-power planes. I highly recommend this program!

Electric Aero Modeling USA with the most specialized and current resources for the electric R/C aviation enthusiast. They have education and information and latest in kits and accessories . EAM was established by electric flyers. Their storefront in Lewisville,TX Li-Poly cells are available here.

The Electric Jet Factory offers electric conversions and imports the leading electric jet techologies. The Electric Ducted Fans and Electric Prop Jets use a wide variety of products ranging from standard low cost motors and battery packs to the advanced cost of brushless. Planes inc. = Combat Models Inc. scale Jets A-10, F-15 and F-16N along with Aero Model Design semi-scale slope planes F-16, SU-27, A-4, F-4 and F-14. They import from Offshore Electronic in Germany and include the Cessna Citation, Rafale M, MIG-15, He-162, F-14, F-16, MIG-31, P-80, F-4, Vampire and Eurofighter, designed for the Mini Fan 480 EDF unit.

ElectroDynamics - Home of "No-Hassle" R/C Products RC Connectors and Batteries, NiCad Battery Tester, Glow Drivers, Battery Monitor, Pro Servo Reverser, Servo-ciser, Other COOL stuff and a Tip of the month.

Electronix Express, 365 Blair Road, Avenel, NJ 07001; Tel. 908-381-8020, FAX: 908-381-1572 e-mail === basic electronic components, tools, power supplies and test equipment. A free illustrated catalog is available.

Esprit Model - Anything and Everything for E-flight!

Experience RC - Helicopter Only supplier! Excellent advice from Steve McFall! Helicopter kits, parts and accessories.

Fancy Foam Models features Lightweight RC foam versions of the Edge 540, Cap 232, and Extra 300L. Most Fancy Foam Models weigh around 12.5 oz., ready to fly!Ê Flight times range from 12 to 24 minutes (with the Himax brushless motor), depending on throttle management. With the light wing loading and the extreme control throws, these little aerobats will sharpen your skills like no other plane. Batteries, motors and speed controls also available.

Tekoa Feather/Cut The Center of Design 49380 Skyharbor Way, Aguanga, CA 92536 phone: 909.763.0464 --- Supplier of the Feather/Cut hot wire foam wingmachine.

Fiberglass Specialties will lay up light fiberglass cowls for electrics on special order.

Flying Model is a general model aviation magazine covering RC, Control Line and Free Flight. Much electric coverage.

Fly RC is a general model aviation magazine with excellent reviews. Much electric coverage. A must read magazine!

FMA Direct has excellent Receivers, Servos, Rx Batteries, Tx/Rx Chargers, Radio system adapters, Li-Po batteries and the excellent FMA Li-Po chargers. - Fanfold foam designs, includes the "Frog" and "Shark". Lots of tips and techniques. Motors, props, radio gear and other products available. is the home to planes that are fun to build and fly! Planes include 3D versions of the SX2, Edge 540 and YAK 54 ARF's.

Futaba Corporation of America, Great Planes Model Distrubutors Company, P.O. Box 9021, Champaign, IL 61826-9021 --- radio systems & speed controllers.

Global Hobbies the importer of products sold by Hobby People and other hobby shops, has a site to check out their products. They import to the USA the WATTAGE products.

Carl Goldberg Models, Inc. - Kits and ARFsthat can be converted as well as electric ARFs, supplier of the best CA, in IMHO. Hope of the electric ARFs; Eagle 400 Tiger 400 & old-timer ARF Lightnin' Bug for Speed 400 and a lot more suitable for electric power.

Graham McAllister Designs is the home of the Skybug, SkyHawk, TwinHawk and Ironic MkII. Also a supplier for Graupner, Jeti, Master Airscrew, etc.

Grand Wing Servo is the manufacturer and supplier of receivers, servos, gyros, servo testers, EZ switch, beepers, fail safes, power systems, e-planes and more. supplies composite Landing Gear and tail wheels. Lighter and more durable than aluminium.

Great Hobbies, Inc. has a full line of hobbying supplies as well as catalog sales. Supplies both to the US and Canada, with separate sites for both.

Hacker Brushless Motors - Brushless motors, controllers and motor mounts for almost any electric project.

Hilltop BattlePack Batteries (AKA Robotic Power Solutions)offer the Gold Peak, Intellect, SAFT and Sanyo NIMH cells and packs. Sanyo NICAD cells and packs. Astroflight Supplier for chargers, power supplies and motors. Lithium Polymer line includes Poly RC, Apex and Thunder Power Batteries. Orion and SMC IB4200SHV. Power-Sonic and CNC Machine Batteries All new Thunder Power Extreme LiPoly Batteries Zapping FREE if requested.

Hitec/RCD - Radio systems, receivers, servos and more. My main radio is a Hitec Eclipse 7. Excellent service over many years!

Hobby Club is a supplier of Slow Flyers, Gliders, R/C aircraft, R/C Electric, Free Flight, Old-Timers, C02 powered planes and helicopters. They carry Puma and Taipan props, and all of the major brands of radios, including the tiny Ceto, as well as Voltz servos. Actro-Kohler motors.

Hobby Express, formerly Hobby Lobby International, Inc., is a major supplier of electric powered airplane kits, motors, gearboxes, props and more! Check out the offerings and subscribe to their catalog.

Hobby People/(formerly Hobby Shack) has been a supplier of R/C equipment for many years. They have several stores and advertise in the modeling magazines. Many of the items they sell are related to electric flight. Their site had a HUGE on-line catalog and is well set up and easy to navigate. While visiting their site, you might want to check out their prices and subscribe to their catalogs.

HobbyZone is the supplier of the Aerobird Challenger, Firebird Outlaw, Firebird II, Firebird IIST, Firebird Commander, Fighterbird and Sky Surfer. Carry E-flite, Hangar 9, HobbyZone, ParkZone, T-Rex, and Venom products.

Horizon Hobby is a full-line supplier with lots of special items like the Piccolo electric helicopter, world's smallest production unit. Also, JR Radios and much more.

ICARE is the Canadian supplier of schulze controller and Plettenberg motors as well as Orbit, Kontronic, Mega, MP Jet, Hacker and much more.

Innov8tive Designs, home of Scorpion outrunner motors and electronic speed controls. These are excellent and should seriously be considered for your next project!

JGRC has Aircraft, Helicopters, Batteries & Chargers, Motors and Controllers, Propellers, Servos, Radios, Tools, Building Supplies and Connectors & Wire available.

, K&A Models Unlimited has high quality balsa and fiberglass kits. Supplier of some very nice Speed 400, Speed 500 and electric gliders, as well as 704 combat and thermal and hand launch gliders.

Kohler Elektromotoren has the superior quality Actro electric rotary brushless motors.

Kyosho America is the start page to learn more about Kyosho products, including electric aircraft. Products may be ordered through Tower Hobbies, info only here.

Landing Products, P.O. Box 938, Knights Landing, CA 95645 --- Maker of APC props. Now, Order Factory Direct from Landing Products!, All Propellers IN STOCK!, Next Day Air Available 1-530-661-0399 (6:00 AM - 2:00 PM PST) Landing Products, 1222 Harter AVe., Wooland, CA 95776

LASER ARTS (AKA Mountain Models 445 East Cheyenne Mountian Blvd., Suite C112, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, (719) 576-7379 --- The magic of the Laser is now available to scratch builders. Custom balsa, plywood, basswood, and plastic parts cut for Model Aircraft builders. LASER ARTS is a service run by a model builder for model builders. The excellent Mountain Model kits are available here.

Low cost foam cutting CNC by Tal Barnea has plans and parts available to create your own low cost foam cutting CNC machine.

Magellan, Inc./Ralph Weaver is now the US dealer for the SkyAssistnat Vario and datalogger.

Maxx Products International- Resource for Name Brand RC Hobby Products, Parts and Accessories... Mpi, Promax, Hitec, Futaba, etc.

Micro-Mark is the small tools specialists! Micro-Mark is THE mail-order source for hard-to-find tools and supplies for hobby, professional and educational model building. Hundreds of items to aid in building.

MODEL AIRPLANE ENGINEERING is the home of the Nemesis 3D-II parkflyer. It is a simple yet sophisticated confined-area, highly maneuverable parkflyer. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor flying, the N3D-II is not a beginner's plane but is suitable for intermediate to advanced flyers. MODEL AIRPLANE ENGINEERING, 5001 Bainbridge Court, Lilburn, GA 30047-7306 Phone: 770-925-8326

Model Rectifier Corp. is the home of the photorealistic flight simulator Reflex XTR and Super Brain Chargers.

MotoCalc by Capable Computing, Inc., (Stefan Vorkoetter) is a program for predicting the performance of an electric model aircraft power system, based on the characteristics of the motor, battery, gearbox, propeller, and speed control. You can specify a range for the number of cells, gear ratio, propeller diameter, and propeller pitch, and MotoCalc will produce a table of predictions for each combination. The program manual can be previewed at this site. He also has some construction articles on various electronics projects for e-power.

Mr. NiCd's Batteries America, 2111-D Parview Road, Middleton, WI 53562 - Order Phone: 800.308.4805 - Supplies Sanyo Cells and Li-Pos.

Nelson Hobby is the home of iron-on light weight covering, control linkages and paints.

New Creations R/C one of the best suppliers for e-flight products on-line! If you need it, he probably has it. Call for best service.

Ornithopter Zone< - Fly with Flapping Wings! An ornithopter is a machine that flies by flapping its wings. It flies just like a real bird or insect. It's amazing, but these machines really fly just by flapping their wings! At this web site, you'll find much more information on these fascinating aircraft. There is info about these flying machines and an online store to purchase.

Park Flyers RC is a source for park, slow and electric planes. ARF Epp Focke Wulf that is almost indestructable for Speed 400. RTF packages as well.

Pole Cat Aeroplane Works electric planes, sailplanes, electronics and supplies, located in Landisburg, PA. Produces the Hammerhead, WindDancer and XP-3 / XP-3G and the Push-E-Cat.

Profili 2 is an airfoil creation application. With this software you can create new airfoils, analyze the airfoil aerodynamic, draw, plot or print all the ribs for a trapezoidal or elliptical wing or the foam cutting templates. Many new helpful programs added to aid in aircraft design.

Prop Shop Hobbies, 23326 VanDyke Ave., Warren, MI 48089 phone: 810.757.7160 Serving Detroit since 1975, now the world via the web.

Quiet & Electric Flight International magazine is devoted to e-power. Electric Flight International! - articles from all over the world on e-power. Friends Martin Irvine (Canada) & Dave Durnford (GB) write for this publication. Available in the US, check the site for details.

Radical RC is one of the very best in RC Electronic supplies for Gas, Glow and Electric flight.
Proud Sponsor of the Mid-America Electric Flies

Radio Controlled Models, Inc., 229 E. Rollins Rd., Round Lake Beach, IL 60073 (708) 740-8726 - Lighting systems, fail safe devices, control switches, sound devices and power switches.

RcCad is CAD software that provides a real-time 3D visualization of your plane from 2D views. A free version is available for download

RC Direct has iKarus, Berg Receivers, Schulze products and Aerofly flight simulator. RC Direct, 7750 Convoy Court, San Diego, CA 92111 Order Phone: 888.291.2111

RBC Kits/Rob Bulk, of the Netherlands, has some very nice looking CNC kits. He also does CNC cutting jobs for other kit producers and even for private persons. (scan the drawing, cut out the parts) RBC kits are offered online.

RC Foam - Depron and other foams. Carbon fiber rods and adhesives. 733 Ridgeview Dr., Lilburn, GA 30047 Phone: 770-381-5646

Retro RC, home of the Retro e'Moth, e-camp racer, great indoor and outdoor fliers and free flight gliders.

Robart Manufacturing, Inc. has retractable landing gear, incidence meter and other accessories.

RTL Fasteners/Rich Bastone, Chesapeake, VA., RTL FASTENERS is a small mail order business that specializes in offering model building fasteners at fair prices and logical quantities. Products can be ordered from my secure on-line store. (a catalog is also available) phone 1-800-239-6010 Email:

R.T.P Electrix, P.O. Box 648, Rosny Park, Tasmania, Australia, 7018 Infomation, sales and photos of Round the Pylon Electric Flight can be found at this site.

Servo City supplies radios, servos, batteries, chargers, speed controls, planes and CAMERAS for taking pictures from your planes.

Shredair is a supplier of Premium RC Products offers premium radio-controlled gliders for slope and scale flying, F3B/F/J competition flying, and F5B/F/J electric-powered flying.

Sig Manufacturing Co., Inc., Orders (800) 247-5008 --- Great balsa wood in all grades/weights, kits, radios, general modeling supplies ==== Sig Wonder makes an exciting electric!!! Kadet Senior, Seniorita and LT-25 are great E-trainers! You can check out the plane kit specs w/pictures and wood sizes on-line by visiting their site. They also have planes designed especially for epower.

Sirius Electronics/Don McGlauflin, has the SIRIUS CHARGE Pro Series High Performance Fast Charger for aircraft Radio Control systems & the New! SuperTest Precision Battery Tester/Analyzer for NiCd and NiMh batteries. The Sirius Charge Pro was formerly an ACE product and is much better than the new ACE/Thunder Tiger product. Visit the site to find out why.

Sky Hooks & Rigging - backyard and indoor RC supplies, Oakville, Canada.

SonicTronics Inc./McDaniels R/C - folding props, motor mounts, special hubs, hinges, hardware, park flyer wheels and more.

SpeedWing.Net - Online store for Flying Wing Needs. Current production includes; Mini SpeedWing, Mini Twin, MiniTwin 250, Micro SpeedWing, SpeedWing Dart , SpeedWing 250 MK II and SpeedWing 400 MKII.

SR Batteries is MORE THAN BATTERIES, they have a full line; motors, radios, planes, etc., supplier. Home of the best kits on the market; X250, Cutie, Bantam Monoplane and biplanes and more!
Proud Sponsor of the Mid-America Electic Flies

Stevens Aero Model, Great Scale, Sport, Indoor & backyard flier kits. 3 different CAP 232 sizes including one with 550 as well as one for GWS system. Also E-flight accessories, Micro Heli Products (Feda / Century / GWS), tools and model supplies.

Thunder Power Batteries supplier of LiPo (Li-Poly) batteries.

T&J Models, Jim Young, his fantastic kits are available here for the Hughes H-1 Racer, de Havilland D.H.-88 Comet, 1/12 Scale Waco YMF-5, 1/6 Scale Wedell-Williams Model 44, 1/6 Scale LTR-14 Turner Special, 1/8 Scale Waco YMF-5, and Gloster Meteor T.7. Soon to be available, MiG-17 EDF, 28" span.

Tower Hobbies site is jampacked with other great sites to visit, as well as information on the products they sell. This is a great starting point for surfing for info on R/C hobby interests!
Proud Sponsor of the Mid-America Electric Flies

Trexler Balloon Tire Company makers of the famous balloon tires that are especially useful for electric flight.

Trick R/C home of the Zagi and Razor electric flying wings.

Vacuum Forming Plans and Info by Doug Walsh, information and books available on vacuum forming for the hobbiest.

Vinyl Graphics by Greg/Greg Judy produces Vinyl Graphics to decorate and accent your latest creation. You can make your model look sharper with custom cut decals. Greg is a long time modeler and does a great job!
Proud Sponsor of the Mid-America Electric Flies

Wattage is a supplier of ARF planes and gliders, motors, electronic assessories, etc.

West Mountain Radio has a lot of useful electronic supplies and gear for the person into electric flight. They have a Computerized Battery Analyzer know as the CBA, Anderson Power Poles (APP connectors) and the crimping tool for APP connectors.

Windsor Propeller Co., Inc./Master Airscrew is a supplier of Master Airscrew props, gear drives, prop balancer and other electric flight accessories.

Wing-Tote protects your wings and fuselage with a quality product and realistic pricing.