The Virtual Home of
AMA Charter Club 711
Northville Township, MI, USA

The Midwest RC Society Monitor

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Newsletter Editor: Ken Myers -

The Next Club Meeting is:
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Place: 7 Mile Rd. Flying Field
Address: 7621 Seven Mile Road, Northville, MI 48167
Time: 6:00 p.m. AMA Membership Required to Fly
Everyone with an interest is ALWAYS WELCOME!

What's In this Issue?
Summer Meeting Reminder "Dog Days" Open Fly Date Changed
The June Ladies' Night & Potluck Long Time Midwest Member, Bob Weak, Passes
Field Mowing Information 40th Annual Mid-America Electric Flies Info
Long Time Midwest Member, Bill Brown, Sr. Turns 103! 2024 Membership Application
Upcoming Events
Reminder: Please get any information you want in an upcoming Monitor to Ken by the 15th of the month.

Summer Meeting Reminder

     Please be aware that all summer meeting dates are tentative and may need to be changed/moved due to weather related issues.

     Please check your email and the club Website, as the tentative date approaches, for possible last minute changes.

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"Dog Days" Open Fly Date Changed

     Because June was such a busy month, the "Dog Days" Open Fly Date was Changed.

     Saturday, August 10 is the new date for "Dog Days" open fly for all Midwest and EFO club members, guests and friends.

     Flying starts at 10 a.m.

     A "flying field lunch" will be served at about noon.

     We hope to see many of you then.

     Come on out for a day of flying, friends and food!

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The June Ladies' Night & Potluck

     The weather was perfect for our annual Ladies' Night and Potluck on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

     For the most part, the bugs stayed away and the winds were calm.

     Margie Sievert and Arthur Deane provided chicken tenders with various dips, while the rest of the members and guests brought out a ton of food.

     After seconds, or more, Denny Sumner and Bill Brown, Jr. flew several exciting combat missions, with Bill dragging around Denny's streamer for more than one round. Nice job Bill!

     After thrilling the crowd with their combat, Bill Jr. flew Bill Brown, Sr.'s latest creation. It flew really well and Bill looped it shortly after starting the flight.

     Everyone had a wonderful evening.

     Here are some photos from that evening.

Bill Brown, Sr.'s Newly Completed Mini-Antic

A Note About Contacting Ken Myers

     It is best to contact me by my phone number or my email address. My home phone doesn't do text, so please don't send text to my home phone, as I won't get it.

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Long Time Midwest Member, Bob Weak, Passes

     Longtime Midwest Member, Bob Weak died on May 25th after complications with long term health issues.

Bob's Obituary is here.

     Bob, and his wife, Barb, spent many mornings out at the field and spent a lot of time with our "old morning flying groups". They might be best remembered at the gatekeepers at the Mid-Am for many, many years. p>

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Field Mowing Information

Please Note:
1. This schedule is presented as a general mowing guide to help insure that the field is mowed at least once a week.

2. As shown each of the 4 mowing teams usually have a period of 4 weeks between their respective turns to mow, but this is subject to change (see below).

3. The schedule is NOT intended to be an unbending, all encompassing rule that covers every situation.

4. Each Team Captain is empowered to adjust his team's mowing time and day if required due to weather, special events or another reason; he is responsible for communicating his adjustments to all the members of his team.

5. In case of vacation or a leave of absence, it is the Team Captains responsibility to swap weeks with another Team Captain.

6. Additional cuttings are at the discretion of the Team Captains.

7. The attached schedule will NOT be modified for any of the changes listed in items 4, 5 or 6.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bill Brown
Jim Cross

* * * * *

Wednesday is mowing day (weather permitting) otherwise Thursday before 6 p.m.

Flight Instructors, please consult the mowing schedule and mowing team leader prior to scheduling training sessions to avoid conflicts.

Team members, PLEASE call your team leader if you are unable to show up for field work.
All team members must check with their Team Leader for mowing time.

Any team member whose personal schedule conflicts with his team's mowing schedule should contact Bill Brown, 248 379-4935, for reassignment to another team.



All hand and Riding mowers: ***Check oil before mowing!***

Ford Tractor Rules:
     Check oil and water before mowing!
     Do not exceed 1850 RPM!
     Always mow in 2nd Gear- never in 3rd Gear!
     No high speed turns!
     Keep cut grass away from the grill and the radiator!

Report any equipment problems to Bill Brown, Jr. 313-268-4167 or Roger Wilfong 248-349-9079.

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40th Annual Mid-America Electric Flies 2024 &
FREE Open Air Swap Meet (See Swap Meet Note at the end of this announcement.)

AMA Sanctioned Event (Proof of AMA membership required to fly - Sorry MAAC membership is no longer accepted)
Saturday, July 13 & Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hosted by the:
Ann Arbor Falcons, Electric Flyers Only and The Midwest RC Society
The 7 Mile Rd. Flying Site, Salem Twp., MI, is Provided by the: Midwest R/C Society

Contest Directors are:
Ken Myers phone (248) 669-8124 or email

Website for updates: for updates & info
Keith Shaw (734) 973-6309
Flying both days is at the Midwest R/C Society Flying Field - 7 Mile Rd., Salem Twp., MI

Registration: 9 A.M. Saturday
Event Flying from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Saturday
Open Flying 10 A.M. Until You Leave Sunday

(Open Flying Saturday after the Event & All Day Sunday
There are NO SCHEDULED EVENTS on Sunday, just open electric flying)

No Pilot Landing Fee
Donations will be gladly accepted

No Parking Donation Will Be Requested from Spectators or Those Participating in the Open Air Swap Shop
Donations to Midwest will be gladly accepted from Spectators and Open Air Swappers

Awards on Saturday Only!
Best Scale
Most Beautiful
Best Mini-Electric
Best Multi-motor
Best Sport Plane
Foam Flurry for NCM aircraft
CDs' Choice

Planes Must Fly To Be Considered for Any Award
Plaques for the winner in each category

The Field is Open for Open Flying All Day Friday
Night Flying Possible, Weather Permitting, Friday & Saturday Nights
Field Lunch is provided to pilots and friends (hot dogs, chips, water or pop) Available on Saturday
Field Dinner is provided (Burgers, Brats on Saturday evening for Pilots & Their Guests)
Come and join us for two days of fun and relaxed electric flying.

The NCM (Not Conventional Materials) Event

     Traditionally, model aircraft airframes have been mostly constructed from balsa wood, plywood, spruce, and fiberglass. For the purposes of this meet, NCM airframes are mostly constructed from not conventional materials i.e.; sheet foam, foam board, cardboard, block foam, foam insulation material, etc.

Foam Flurry for NCM aircraft:

     This is a true event. It is based upon the all up/last down event of early electric meets. Any NCM aircraft may be used (no ARF types). Power systems are limited to a maximum of 3S (no paralleling) LiPo batteries or 4S maximum, no paralleling, for A123 packs. All planes qualifying for this event will launch at the same time, and the last one to land will be declared the winner.


The old entrance to the Midwest RC Society flying field is permanently closed!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE IT!!!

This what the flying field entrance looks like.
Please Drive SAFELY

     The field entrance is on the north side of Seven Mile Road about 1.5 Miles west of Currie Rd.
     Entrance is on the north side of Seven Mile Road about 1.6 Miles west of Currie Rd.
     The address is 7621 Seven Mile Road, Northville, MI 48167. The entrance is through a private residence drive and out past the barn.

Directions from Google Maps to the flying field.

     To locate the Midwest R/C Society 7 Mile Rd. flying field, site of the Mid-America Electric Flies, look near top left corner of the map, where the star marks the spot, near Seven Mile Road and Currie Rd.

     Because of their convenient location and the easy drive to the flying field, the Comfort Suites and Holiday Inn Express in Wixom, MI have been added to the hotels' listing. They are only 10 miles northeast of the field and located near I-96 and Wixom Road. See the map-hotel .pdf for more details.

The Open Air Swap Meet

     There is a designated area for swappers. Please check-in at the event registration table before setting up. Someone from registration will point out where you may set up. Bring your own table(s) and chair(s).

     There is no swap meet fee. A donation to the Midwest RC Society for the use of their flying field would be greatly appreciated.

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Long Time Midwest Member, Bill Brown, Sr. Turns 103!

     On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, long time Midwest RC Society member, Bill Brown, Sr. turned 103!

     His birthday party was held on Saturday, June 15th at Bill Brown, Jr. house in Northville, MI.

     Bill Sr. was in GREAT spirits on that day as he greeted all of his guests.

     Donna and Bill Jr. provided a wonderful feast for all of the guests, and there were a lot of guests!!!

     The weather cooperated perfectly and it was a super fine day for the celebrations.

     Congratulations Mr. Bill Brown, Sr.

     Bill Jr.’s wife, Donna is centered in the photo. Many of the Midwest members can be seen at the table behind Donna. There were also two other tables of Midwest members. What a great turnout it was.

     As usual, Bill Sr. was the life of the party!

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The 2024 Membership Application Posted

     The Midwest RC Society 2024 Membership Application has been posted to our Website.

     Please use PayPal or send a check to Lynn Morgan ASAP.

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To Reach Ken Myers, you can use the US Postal Service to the address on the site homepage.
Ken's email address:
Electric Flyers Only (EFO) Web Site: