The Virtual Home of
AMA Charter Club 711
Northville Township, MI, USA

The Midwest RC Society Monitor

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Newsletter Editor: Ken Myers -

The Next Regularly Scheduled Club Meeting is:
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Place: FBO Mettetal Airport
Address: 8550 N Lilley Rd, Canton, MI 48187
Time: 7:30 p.m.
The treasurer's report is on the agenda
Everyone with an interest is ALWAYS WELCOME!

What's In this Issue?
Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder Midwest Luncheon at Karl's Cabin
Membership Renewal Time and More The February 2025 Club Meeting
Info on Indoor Flying in Brighton Info on Indoor Flying in Pontiac
Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in Info FREE Indoor R/C Swap Info
2025 Membership Application
Upcoming Events
Reminder: Please get any information you want in an upcoming Monitor to Ken by the 15th of the month.

Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder

     Our fall, winter and early spring meetings are held at the fixed-based operator (FBO) building at Mettetal Airport.

     Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport is a public use airport located in Canton Township, Michigan, United States. The airport lies two nautical miles south of the central business district of Plymouth, in Wayne County. The airport is owned and operated by the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Address: 8550 N Lilley Rd, Canton, MI 48187

     Please check your email and the club Website, as the tentative date approaches, for possible last minute changes.

     The FBO is the white building that is located closer to the runway than the EAA building.

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Midwest Luncheon at Karl's Cabin

     At noon, on Saturday, January 25, 2025 we had a luncheon for all of the Midwest members and their families at Karl's Cabin. It started at noon.

     Everyone there had a great time eating and chatting. What a wonderful afternoon it was.

No Midwest January Meeting

     For various reasons there was no January 2025 meeting.

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Membership Renewal Time and More
From Lynn Morgan via email

     I thought I would send out this friendly reminder that our Midwest RC Society membership dues are due by the first club meeting in March. We hope you are considering rejoining Midwest for the 2025 flying season!

Membership Form For This Year

     For new members, please remember to submit a signed MRCS membership application form this year, 2025.

     Membership applications are kept on file, as it is an agreement that each year that you are a member, you will abide by all Club Field Rules and By-Laws.

     After the first signed document, you only need to submit a membership application if there are any changes to your Location/Contact info, or Work Commitment, otherwise everything carries over into the new year.

     During the following years, membership is as simple as submitting a check, cash, or PayPal that has Name & AMA #.

     PayPal is an option for payment, put "please submit a 2023 membership app for this year".

     All members must have a valid AMA card or Proof Receipt to be able to fly at the MRCS field.

     A copy of your AMA card is no longer required with the membership application.

     FYI... Please remember that Club Dues are batch processed one month at a time. Checks are handed over to the Club Treasurer at the first Wednesday meeting of the following month. Checks are then typically deposited within a week of when the Treasurer receives them.

Altitude Limited Glider Competition at the Field For This Year

     This year we are planning to have the altitude limited glider competition at the field (schedule is TBD, probably the same as last year). Ted Flack is heading this event. It is LOT's of fun, so we hope you are considering coming out and participating!

     We do appreciate your continued support of our club! Hope to see you at the field!


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The February 2025 Club Meeting

     Because of a predicted incoming ice storm, the meeting time was changed to 7 p.m. to allow folks to get home before the ice storm started.

     Dave Stacer presented the annual treasurer's report. Only the highlights are noted here. If you missed the meeting, you can email Dave with specific questions regarding our finances.

     Unfortunately, Dave could not get his laptop to connect to the TV for the presentation spreadsheets, but he did an absolutely EXCELLENT job in presenting out financial data for last year.

     Overall our financial situation is not bad when compared to previous years.

     Remember if you have specific questions regarding our finances, you can email Dave your questions.

     Thanks Dave for your hard work!!!

     We are looking into getting a new Contest Director (AMA uses the term CD for contest director) for the club to hold an open glider contest this year. Denny Sumner seems to have "volunteered".

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Indoor Flying in Brighton Information

     At the time this was published, the information, provided by Bruce, of the Hamburg Flyers Club, noted, "Indoor flying starts at the Legacy Center next week, Wednesday Oct 9th. 12:30 to 2:30. Not sure if it is in the dome or across the street in the field house.

Legacy Center, 9299 Goble Dr, Brighton, MI 48116".

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Skymasters' Indoor Flying Info

Skymasters' Indoor Flying, Details found here

Weekly on Tuesdays, October 15, 2024 thru April 15, 9 a.m. - Noon.

United Wholesale Mortgage Sports Complex, 867 South Blvd.Pontiac

Facility features a 365 foot by 260 foot flying area with ceiling heights from 45 to 75 feet!

A single flying session is $10 and a 25 session season pass is $150.

The Skymasters' Indoor Rules for 2024/2025 are linked below.

Skymasters' Indoor Flying Rules, 2024/2035

As a reminder:

1. Aircraft can weigh no more than 1-1/2 pounds All Up Weight. Helicopters & multi-rotor copters are limited to 250 maximum size. All aircraft must be powered by no more than a single 3 cell (11.1 volt) 1000 mAh battery.

2. First Person View-FPV is limited to micro quadcopters powered by a single cell battery (Max 500 mAh).

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The Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2025

     The Balsa Butchers are hosting the "Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-In", for the 23rd year, at their field near Coldwater, MI. The event takes place on Saturday, May 31, 2025. It is a one day event.

     The event consists of Open Electric Flying with a "Special Guest of Honor Theme". Happy Birthday Keith Shaw [June 6].

     Enjoy a day with the "Pioneering Master of Electric R/C Flight". 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday. NO LANDING FEE! Donations for field maintenance and lunch appreciated.

     For additional information contact;
Contest Director: Dave Grife - E-mail: or Phone: 517-677-9978

     Please e-mail or call with any questions.

     The field will be open for guests to fly on Sunday as well.

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Premier Sport Center Indoor Flying FREE Indoor R/C Swap Meet Day, Thursday, March 6th, 2025

14901 23 Mile Rd, Shelby Twp, 48315


Bring your unwanted Airplanes, Helicopters, Quadcopters, Unbuilt Kits, Servos, Motors, Radios, Etc.


There is no cost to Buy, Sell, or Trade

Flying is still $10 for the day (9 a.m. 3 p.m.)

You Don't Have to Fly... Just come in and buy, or just say Hi! There's no charge for that!

Have Questions? Contact Mark Kriewall (586) 453-1867 (

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The 2025 Membership Application Posted

     The Midwest RC Society 2025 Membership Application has been posted to our Website.

     Please use PayPal or send a check to Lynn Morgan ASAP.

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To Reach Ken Myers, you can use the US Postal Service to the address on the site homepage.
Ken's email address:
Electric Flyers Only (EFO) Web Site: