meant to be a hollow block.
When you are satisfied that your prop adapter (with nut and washer) will fit inside the spinner, remove the hardwood dowel and replace it with balsa. Or, if you prefer, just cut the dowel off and glue it into place permanently.
The primary function of the backplate is to stop the motor shaft bending when the prop hits the ground, so it needs to be rigid. 1/8" ply is probably better than 1/16" ply. Mark out a circle, drill the centre hole to suit your prop adapter, and cut the backplate slightly oversize. Mount it in your drill, and smooth down the edges with a file or coarse sanding block.
Okay, now for the tricky part. Mount the prop on the adapter, with the backplate behind it, and offer up your balsa spinner. Mark where the prop blades touch the balsa, and cut a small notch. Offer it up again, and cut another notch. I use a half round file, it matches the curve of the prop blade quite closely. When everything fits snugly, and the spinner is sitting flush with the backplate, give yourself