The Virtual Home of
AMA Charter Club 711
Northville Township, MI, USA

Site Table of Contents

  • July 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - "Dog Days" Open Fly Date Changed - The June Ladies' Night & Potluck - Mowing Info - Upcoming Mid-Am info - Long Time Midwest Member, Bob Weak, Passes - Bill Brown, Sr. Turns 103! - Upcoming Events
  • June 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - June is a Busy Month Coming Up For Us! - The May Midwest Meeting - Bye Bye Dandelions!?! - Mowing Info - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The April Meeting - Keith Shaw on the RC Roundtable Podcast - Upcoming 13th Annual Pontiac Miniature Aircraft Club's John's Jet Jam 2024 - Mowing Info - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • April 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The March 2024 Meeting - Pontiac Indoor Flying Flyer - Winter Indoor Flying at the Legacy Center in Brighton, MI - Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • March 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The February 2024 Meeting - Pontiac Indoor Flying Flyer - Winter Indoor Flying at the Legacy Center in Brighton, MI - Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • February 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The January 2024 Meeting - 1/4 scale Marquart Charger Sold at the Swap Shop Note - Wing Cube Loading - Upcoming RCCD Swap Meet - Indoor Flying Brighton Info - Indoor Flying Pontiac Info - Upcoming Events
  • January 2024 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The December 2023 Meeting - The Bitza (this & that) - Indoor Flying Brighton Info - An Old Fashion Hobby Shop - Indoor Flying Pontiac Info - Upcoming Events
  • December 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - Info Regarding the Upcoming December 2023 Meeting The November 2023 Meeting - Dave StacerÕs Remote ID Project - A Quick Swap Shop Note - Upcoming Events
  • November 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The October Meeting - Mowing Info - Upcoming November Swap Shop Information - Upcoming Events
  • October 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Fall/Winter/Early Spring Meeting Reminder - The September Meeting - Mowing Info - Upcoming November Swap Shop Information - Upcoming Events
  • September 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The August Meeting - Mowing Info - Midwest RC Society Approved as a FAA Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) - More August Meeting Photos - Upcoming Events
  • August 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The July Meeting - Upcoming Friendly Fly and Food info - Mowing Info - Upcoming Events
  • July 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The Annual "Ladies' Evening/Potluck" -Tick Info, Again - More Photos from LadiesÕ Night - Happy 102nd Birthday Mr. Bill Brown, Sr. - Mowing Info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - Upcoming Annual "Ladies' Evening/Potluck" - The May Flying Field Meeting - Tick Info - Mowing Info - Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events (Note: There was no May issue this year.)
  • April 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format The March 2023 Meeting - About John Hoover and Aspect Laser Aspect Laser Cutting - Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Pontiac Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Winter Meeting Reminder - Upcoming Events
  • March 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format The February 2023 Meeting - Greg EilersÕ Latest Poll - Theft of Charging Equipment at the (UFO) Flying Field - Keith Shaw Birthday Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Pontiac Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Winter Meeting Reminder - Upcoming Events
  • February 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format The January 2023 Meeting - About John Hoover and Aspect Laser; Aspect Laser Lil' Bubba Span Laser Cut RC Radio-Controlled Balsa Airplane KitŹRC-1 - Skymasters Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Winter Meeting Reminder - Upcoming Events
  • January 2023 - Acrobat .PDF format Winter Meeting Reminder - The December 2022 Meeting - The Karl's Cabin Wives Appreciation Dinner - Pontiac Indoor - Legacy Center Indoor - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted Upcoming Events - Upcoming Events
  • December 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Winter Meeting Reminder - Upcoming December Meeting - Wives Social Gathering at Karls Cabin Info - November 2022 Meeting - Pontiac Indoor - Legacy Center Indoor - 2022 Swap Shop Photos - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - 4 Sale - Retrieval System - Bill Brown, Sr. - Upcoming Events
  • November 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Winter Meeting Reminder - Upcoming December 2022 Meeting info - Cell Pro Charger info - Andy Low Passes - October 2022 Meeting - Legacy Center Indoor info - Pontiac Indoor info - 2022 Mowing Information - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Midwest RC Society Annual Swap Meet Info - Upcoming Events
  • October 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Winter Meeting Reminder - The September Meeting - Ticks - 2022 Mowing Information - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - September Meeting (cont.) - Upcoming Midwest RC Society Annual Swap Meet Info - Upcoming Events
  • September 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - August Meeting - Ticks - 2022 Mowing Information - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming CARDS of Lansing upcoming e-meet - Upcoming Weak Signals Swap and Fly - The Cub Scouts Visit the Flying Field - Upcoming Events
  • August 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - July Meeting - Ticks - Local Area Giant RC Estate Sale - 2022 Mowing Information - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming CARDS of Lansing upcoming e-meet - Upcoming Weak Signals Swap and Fly - Our New Club Weather Station - Upcoming Events
  • July 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - Ticks - Upcoming - Local Area Giant RC Estate Sale - 2022 Mowing Information - The June Meeting and LadiesÕ Night Potluck At the Flying Field - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming CARDS of Lansing upcoming e-meet - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The June 2022 Meeting - 2022 Mowing Information - Upcoming Local Area Giant RC Estate Sale - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Summer Meeting Reminder - The April Meeting - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in info - Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • April 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format March Meeting - Ken's Presentation: Bringing LiPo Batteries Out of Storage - Jim Lapham's Goose - Pete Waters Latest Model - Our meeting info - Upcoming Birthday Party Electric Fly-in info - Mid-am info - Indoor Flying; Pontiac & Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • March 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Renew Your Membership - February Club Zoom Meeting - Indoor Monthly Meeting Information - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in info - Mid-am Dates Announced - Skymasters Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • February 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format Renew Your Membership - January Club Zoom Meeting - Indoor Monthly Meeting Information - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in info - Mid-am Dates Announced - Skymasters Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • January 2022 - Acrobat .PDF format The December 2021 Social Meeting - The Saturday, December 11, 2021 Club Dinner at Karl's Cabin - Skymasters Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • December 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format The November 3 Meeting - Info on the Upcoming December Meeting - (Tentative) Upcoming Wives Appreciation Dinner, December 11, Saturday - The Sunday, Nov. 7 Swap Shop - Skymasters Indoor Flying - Indoor flying in Brighton, MI - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • November 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format John Hoover Inducted Into the AMA Hall of Fame - Info On the Upcoming MRCS November Swap Shop - Mowing Information - Skymasters Indoor Flying - The October 2021 Midwest Meeting - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • October 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format FMA Closing Its Doors - Upcoming Michigan Radio Control Association Fun Fly Event Info - Club Fun Fly Report - Upcoming MIDWEST R/C SOCIETY R/C SWAP MEET Info - Mowing Information - The Charging Station Gets an Upgrade - Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • September 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format Howard Kendall's Celebration of Life Notice - My Apologies to MR. CHUCK WOOLEY!!! - August 2021 Flying Field Meeting - Upcoming C.A.R.D.S. 11th Annual Electric Fly In - Mowing Information Eating and Gabbing Help Wanted - Upcoming Events
  • August 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format Our Charging Station in Action - July 2021 Flying Field Meeting - A Quick Note On the Mid-Am and a Few Photos - Skymasters RC Club Night Fly, Bonfire and Open Air Swap Meet - MRCA Fun Fly Event - Upcoming C.A.R.D.S. 11th Annual Electric Fly In - Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • July 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format June Meeting - AKA Ladies' Night At the Field - A Safety Warning You've Heard MANY TIMES BEFORE! - Upcoming C.A.R.D.S. of Lansing 11th Annual Electric Fly In - 2021 Mowing Information - Upcoming Skymasters RC Club Night Fly and Bonfire - Upcoming Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • June 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming "Wives" Night at the June 2 Meeting -The May Flying Meeting - Midwest at Plymouth-Canton Mettetal Airport - 2021 Mowing Information - Upcoming Skymasters RC Club Night Fly and Bonfire - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • May 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format April 5, 2021 Zoom Meeting - 2021 Mowing Information - Weekly Float Flying on Wednesday Morning at Addison Oaks - Upcoming Skymasters RC Club Night Fly and Bonfire - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • April 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format IMPORTANT WARNING ABOUT USING OUR FLYING FIELD THIS SPRIING! - Denny's BMJR Astro Hog - Battery Station Poll Results - Midwest March Zoom Meeting - Toledo RC Swap Meet Announcement - The Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2021 - Upcoming Events
  • March 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format Renew Your Midwest Membership for 2021, IMPORTANT WARNING ABOUT USING OUR FLYING FIELD! - February 2021 Zoom Meeting - HINTS AND KINKS/A Bit On Bits - Midwest January Zoom Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • February 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format Renew Your Midwest Membership for 2021, President - MPORTANT WARNING ABOUT USING OUR FLYING FIELD! - Designing and Building With Dollar Tree Foam Board - Even More Info On Foam and Foam Board Type Airframes - Midwest January Zoom Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • January 2021 - Acrobat .PDF format A Message From Our New, 2021, President - The December 2, 2020 ZOOM Meeting - IMPORTANT WARNING ABOUT USING OUR FLYING FIELD! - A Bit of RC History - Upcoming Events
  • December 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Time to Renew Your Midwest Membership for 2021 - More Important Information Pertaining to Indoor Flying at the Ultimate Soccer Arenas - Indoor FREE FLIGHT Flying at the Ultimate Soccer Arenas and Another Local Venue for Indoor RC - The November 4, 2020 Zoom Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • November 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The October 2020 Midwest Flying Meeting - Info Indoor Flying Season at the Legacy Center in Brighton - Info Regarding the 2020/2021 Indoor Flying at the Ultimate Soccer Arenas, Pontiac, MI - Upcoming Events
  • October 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The September 2020 Midwest Flying Meeting - A Message from Our President Regarding the October Meeting and Nomination of Officers for 2021 - Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • September 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The August 2020 Midwest Flying Meeting - A Local Area Upcoming Very Special Event 2020 - Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • August 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The July 2020 Midwest Flying Meeting - 2020 Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • July 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The June 2020 Midwest Meeting - 2020 Mowing Information - Upcoming Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Ken and Roger Visit the Flying Field - The May 6 ZOOM Midwest Meeting - 2020 Mowing Information - A Hint for Using Duco Cement for Small Models - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Important Email from Roger Wilfong - Update on the Progress for the New Entrance Road from the Track - 2020 Mowing Information - Tentative Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • April 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format The March Meeting - The Show and Tell for March, 2020 - Indoor Flying/Driving/Pontiac - Legacy Center Indoor Flying/Brighton - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am Toledo RC Expo Cancelled for 2020 - Upcoming Events
  • March 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Midwest's Website Presentation - How To Calculate Oddly Shaped Wing Areas - The February Meeting - Models of the Month - Indoor Flying/Driving/Pontiac - Legacy Center Indoor Flying/Brighton - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • February 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Ken's Jumper Presentation - Notice from Lynn Morgan - Model of the Month - Indoor Flying/Driving/Pontiac - Legacy Center Indoor Flying/Brighton - Upcoming RCCD Swap Meet - Upcoming Flight Line Hobby Swap Meet - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Events
  • January 2020 - Acrobat .PDF format Electric Powered Beaver Worth Noting - December 2019 Meeting - Upcoming January Meeting - Radio System Request - Indoor Flying/Driving/Pontiac - Legacy Center Indoor Flying/Brighton - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in - Upcoming Events
  • December 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Novi Library Technical Capabilities - November 2019 Meeting - November Show and Tell - Indoor Flying/Driving in Pontiac - Legacy Center Indoor Flying in Brighton, MI - Flight Line Hobby Fall Seminar Schedule - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly - Upcoming Events
  • November 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Midwest Swap Shop Info - The Upcoming Priceless Sale at Our Swap Shop - The October 2019 Meeting - Up Coming Fall Flying Field Clean-up - Field Mowing Info - Info on Upcoming Indoor Flying in Pontiac - Flight Line Hobby Fall Seminar Schedule - Upcoming Events
  • October 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Field Entrance Change! (repeated) - Upcoming Midwest Swap Shop Into - We Need Volunteers for the Swap Shop! - The Upcoming Priceless Sale at Our Swap Shop - The September 2019 Meeting - Field Mowing Info - Info on Upcoming Indoor Flying in Pontiac - Upcoming Events
  • September 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Field Entrance Change! (repeated) - The August 2019 Meeting - The Upcoming September Meeting - 2019 Mowing Info - Upcoming Events
  • August 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Field Entrance Change! (repeated) - The July 2019 Meeting - The Upcoming August Meeting - 2019 Mowing Info - Heads Up RC Closing Its Doors - Upcoming Events
  • July 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Field Entrance Change! - The June 2019 Meeting - Field Maintenance Day - 2019 Mowing Info - BP Hobbies Closing Its Doors - Priceless Sale at the Mid-Am info - Upcoming 35th Annual Mid-America info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Watts Over Wetzel Electric Fly-in - Safety Considerations and Other Reminders - 2019 Mowing Information - Tuesday Evening Glider "League" - Upcoming Annual Ladies' Night Potluck info - The May Flying meeting - The PRICELESS Sale at the Mid-Am, Or Our Begging Program! - Upcoming 35th Annual Mid-America info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Getting You and Your Planes Ready: 2019 - April Meeting - Upcoming Mid-Am - EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE UPCOMING MAY FLYING MEETING! - Upcoming Events
  • April 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Thank YOU Rich Sievert - FAA Number Reminder - The March Videos - March Presentation - March Meeting - Indoor Flying Season Info - Membership Application Posted - Upcoming Events
  • March 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format Your Midwest Dues Are Due Now! - The February Meeting - February Meeting Presentation - Indoor Flying Season Info - Membership Application Posted - Upcoming Events
  • February 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format The January Meeting - Electric Power System to Replace a Glow Power System - My Personal History With the Falcon 56 - Indoor Flying Season Info - Membership Application Posted - Upcoming Events
  • January 2019 - Acrobat .PDF format November Swap Shop Photos - December Social Meeting - 2019 Membership Application Posted - Indoor Flying Season Info - Upcoming Events
  • December 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format November Meeting - Upcoming Dec. Social Meeting - A Fun Project from a Midwest Member - 2019 Membership Application Posted - Indoor Flying Season Info - Past Flying Seasons - Notice from the AMA - Upcoming Events
  • November 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Election of Officers 2019 - Upcoming MWRCS Swap Shop - The Oct. Flying Meeting - 2019 Member Application Posted - Indoor Flying Season - Photos From Past Flying Seasons - Upcoming Events
  • October 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Indoor Flying Season, 2018-2019, Southeast Michigan - Upcoming Midwest RC Society Annual R/C Swap Meet - Field Mowing Information - The Sept. Flying Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • September 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format The August 1 Flying Field Meeting - The August 8 "Do Over" Meeting - The Upcoming Fun Fly, Saturday, August 18 - Upcoming Midwest RC Society 28th Annual R/C Swap - Meet Field Mowing Information - A Few More Mid-Am Photos - Upcoming Events
  • August 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Midwest's FIRST MONTHLY FANTASY FUN FLY - Romeo, Romeo - Wherefore Art Thou? - The July Field Meeting - Field Mowing Information - Upcoming November Swap Shop Date Change! - A Few Mid-Am Photos - Upcoming Events
  • July 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Midwest Fly for the Heck of It Event - The PRICELESS Sale, a plea - Romeo, Romeo - Wherefore Art Thou? - The June Field Meeting and Potluck - Upcoming Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format May Meeting - Upcoming June Potluck at the Flying Field - The PRICELESS Sale, a plea - Romeo, Romeo - Wherefore Art Thou? - Road Work on May 5 - 2018 Mowing Info - Tuesday Evening Glider "League" - Upcoming Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Presentation: Who and What is Flite Test? By Ken Myers - The April Meeting - "Wing-It Judging" Notice - Upcoming Mid-Am Info - More Information on the Priceless Sale and Open Air Swap Shop - The Upcoming First Midwest Flying Meeting of the Year - Upcoming Events
  • April 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Presentation: Some U of M Contributions to Autonomous Flight by Keith Shaw -The March Meeting - March Show and Tell - Upcoming Mid-Am Info - Photos or Our Models by Bob Boulware - Upcoming Events
  • March 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Reading and Understanding LiPo Labels and Specifications Presentation by Ken Myers - The February Meeting - February Show and Tell (Mel's Angry Bird & Denny's Pharaoh) - Upcoming Events
  • No February 2018 club newsletter
  • January 2018 - Acrobat .PDF format Wing-It Project - The December Social Meeting - The Upcoming January Meeting - Brand-new Spektrum DX6e and Matching AR610 Receiver for Sale - Some Photos or Our Models by Bob Boulware - Upcoming Events
  • December 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The November Meeting - November Show and Tell - Confessions of a Soldering Hack - Upcoming AMA UpdateŹwithŹ Tim Jesky, AMA District 7 VP, - Some Photos or Our Models by Bob Boulware - Upcoming Events
  • November 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format October Flying Meeting! - Swap Shop Help Needed - President Needed - Even More Cub Scouts Visit - 2017/2018 Indoor Flying - Ultimate Soccer Arenas, - Upcoming Midwest RC Society 29th Annual RC Swap Meet - 2017 Mowing Information - Some Photos by Bob Boulware - Upcoming Events
  • October 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The September Flying Meeting! - Cub Scout Pack 721 Fly-in, Sept 11th, 2017 - Upcoming Midwest RC Society 29th Annual RC Swap Meet - 2017 Mowing Information - Upcoming MRCS Officer Elections - Upcoming Events
  • September 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The August Flying Meeting! - Upcoming Midwest RC Society 29th Annual RC Swap Meet - 2017 Mowing Information - Some Bob Bowlware photos of planes at our flying field - Upcoming Events
  • August 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The July Flying Meeting! - The 33rd Annual Mid-America Electric Flies - A Few Photos from the Mid-Am That Are Not Used in the Ampeer Article on the Event - 2017 Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • July 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format Oh Whatta Night! (The June Meeting) - The Road Repair - 2017 Mowing Information - Mark Rittinger's Trishula Maiden at Midwest! - Upcoming 33rd Annual Mid-America - Upcoming Events
  • June 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format May Flying Meeting - Safety Considerations and Other Reminders - 2017 Mowing Information - Tuesday Evening Glider "League" - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2017 - Upcoming 33rd Annual Mid-America - Keith Shaw's Award Winning 8-Ball - Upcoming Events
  • May 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format April Meeting - Some New Battery Developments And Other Power Storage Options - The Business Meeting - Monthly Club Fun Fly Planned - Upcoming Keith Shaw Birthday Party Electric Fly-in 2017 - Upcoming Watts Over Wetzel - Upcoming 33rd Annual Mid-America - Upcoming Events
  • April 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The March Meeting - Presentation: Selecting an Electric Outrunner Motor Power System - Guest, Joe Hass, Shared Some New Products - The Business Meeting -- March Show and Tell - Hobbico Returns to the Ultimate Soccer Arenas - Upcoming 33rd Annual Mid-America - Upcoming Events
  • March 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The February Meeting - February Show and Tell - Hobbico Returns to the Ultimate Soccer Arenas - Upcoming PMAC & Skymasters Joint Swap Shop - Upcoming Events
  • February 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The January Meeting - For Your Watching Pleasure - Hobbico Returns to the Ultimate Soccer Arenas - Upcoming Events
  • January 2017 - Acrobat .PDF format The December Meeting - Flying at the field on Nov. 6 - 2017 Dues are Due - Upcoming Events
  • December 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format Flightline Hobby's New Location - AMA Update - Innov8tive Designs-the Move - 2016/2017 Flying in Brighton - Guest Speaker: Larry Markey - Guest Speaker Joe Hass - November Meeting - Upcoming Social Meeting - Sunday Sport Flying Event - The Swap Shop - Upcoming Events
  • November 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Swap Shop Info - Building Airframes with Dollar Tree Foam Board - Skymasters' Indoor Season Starts at the Ultimate Soccer Arenas - The October Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • October 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Swap Shop Info - Jim Northmore - At the Very Important Upcoming October Meeting - The September Flying Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • No September 2016 issue
  • August 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format July Flying Field Meeting - Mid-America 2016 Thank You - Upcoming Events
  • July 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format Oh What A Night! The June Flying Meeting, Ladies' Night and Potluck - Some Old Fogies - Upcoming Events
  • June 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format Notes from the May Flying Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • May 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format The April Video - Learning About LiPo Batteries: Part 3 by Ken Myers - April Midwest Meeting Notes - April Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • April 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format The March Video - Learning About LiPo Batteries: Part 2 by Ken Myers - March Midwest Meeting Notes - March Show and Tell - Upcoming Area Events from Joe Hass - Upcoming Events
  • March 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format The February Video - Learning About LiPo Batteries: Part 1 by Ken Myers - February Midwest Meeting Notes - February Show and Tell - Upcoming Area Events from Joe Hass - Upcoming Events
  • February 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format The January Video - Prop Talk: A Presentation by Keith Shaw - January Midwest Meeting Notes - January Show and Tell - A Mooney Mite: Denny's At It Again - Upcoming Events
  • January 2016 - Acrobat .PDF format The December Social Meeting - A Charging Board Warning - Upcoming Events
  • December 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The November Video - Quad Racing Update, DJI Products and the Science Olympiad: A Presentation by Larry Markey - November Midwest Meeting Notes - Photos from the Nov. 8, 2015 Swap Shop - Fall Flying - Upcoming Events
  • November 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format 27th Annual MRCS Swap Shop Info - October Flying Meeting Report - Indoor Flying Season Starts in Brighton - Skymasters Indoor Flying at Ultimate Soccer Arenas - Upcoming Events
  • October 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format 27th Annual MRCS Swap Shop - Flying Meeting Reminder - 2015 Mowing Information - Cub Scouts Visit MRCS - The September Meeting - More Cub Scout Evening Photos - Upcoming Events
  • September 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest August Flying Meeting - 2015 Mowing Information - Flying Meeting Reminder - Announcing 27th Annual MRCS Swap Shop - Wanted, G series RF modules - Upcoming Events
  • August 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest July Meeting - 2015 Mowing Information - Flying Meeting Reminder - Announcing the 2015 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • July 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest June Meeting - 2015 Mowing Information - Flying Meeting Reminder - Announcing the 2015 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • June 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format CPR Class - The Midwest May Meeting - 2015 Mowing Information - Announcing the 2015 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • May 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The April 2015 Meeting - Some Glow to Electric Conversion Considerations - Upcoming Events
  • April 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format March Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • March 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format February Meeting: Lynn Morgan Multi-Rotors & FPV - Charlie Dochenetz's quad, Roger Wilfong's Hitec Hawkeye conversions, Dave Stacer's Charger Data Recorder - Upcoming Events
  • February 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format January Meeting: Roger Wilfong on Soldering, Scorpion Backup Guard (SBG), business meeting - A123 1100mAh Cells, End of an Era - Upcoming Events
  • January 2015 - Acrobat .PDF format The December Meeting - Horizon Hobby - PRODUCT RECALL: Power Supply and 3S Li-Po DC Balance Charger Found In HobbyZoneØ Super Cub S RTF and BNF Products - Upcoming Events
  • December 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format The November Meeting - November Show & Tell: Bob McDonald's SIG 4-Star 40 - The Upcoming December Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • November 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Swap Meet - October Flying Meeting - Upcoming Dist. 7 Town Hall - Skymasters' Indoor Flying Starts Soon - Brighton Indoor Flying Starts Soon - Just Fly in the Fall - Upcoming Events
  • October 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming AMA District 7 Town Hall Meeting - Sept. Flying Meeting - Important Notice: Our Next Flying Meeting 2014 - Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • September 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format August Flying Meeting - A Microhenry Visits Midwest RC - 2014 Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • August 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format 30th Annual Mid-America Electric Flies Report - Revised 2014 Mowing Information - Some Sad News - July Flying Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • July 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format Help for the Mowing Crews! - Bird's Eye View of Our Flying Field - Revised 2014 Mowing Information - June Flying Meeting - Announcing the 2014 Mid-Am Š Upcoming Events
  • June 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format The May Meeting at the EAA building with guest speaker Mark Freeland of Retro RC - 2014 Mowing Information - Upcoming Events
  • May 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format Servos, I don't Know Jack, but I am Learning by Ken Myers - The April Business Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • April 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format March Meeting, Guest Speaker Roger Wilfong - topic: Vintage RC Systems, business meeting notes - Remembering a day at the field: October 8, 2013 - Upcoming Events
  • March 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format The February Meeting - Brighton Indoor Flying Date & Time Change - Upcoming Events
  • February 2014 - No January Meeting, no newsletter published
  • January 2014 - Acrobat .PDF format The December Meeting - Mark Freeland Receives the Carl Goldberg Vital People Award - Upcoming Events
  • December 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The November Meeting - Upcoming December Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • November 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Swap Meet Info - Skymasters RC Club Indoor Electric Flying Starts Soon! - The October Flying Meeting - Upcoming November Meeting - Road Work - Upcoming Events
  • October 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format Items for Sale - Cub Scout Pack 721 Visits MRCS - Upcoming Midwest Swap Shop Info - 2013 Mowing Information - The September 4 Flying Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • September 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest August Flying Meeting - The Browns "Race" for Charity - Upcoming Events
  • August 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest July Flying Meeting - The 2013 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • July 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest June Flying Meeting - Tactic TTX650 6-Channel 2.4GHz SLT Computer Transmitter Review - 2013 Mowing Information - Announcing the 2013 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • June 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The Midwest May Flying Meeting - Field Opening Day - Ron Milon Moves to Georgia - 2013 Mowing Information - Announcing the 2013 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • May 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format Saving Our Hobby - Model Rocketry - The April Business Meeting - April Show and Tell - Pointy Objects and Li-Pos Don't Mix! - Announcing the 2013 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • April 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format Model Aircraft Power System Data Collection: A Personal Account - The March Business Meeting - March Show and Tell - Upcoming Toledo Show Announcement - Announcing the 2013 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • March 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The February Meeting - Proposed Change to the Flying Field Rules - Proposed Change to the By-Laws - The March Guest Speaker & a request - Upcoming Events
  • February 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format The January Meeting with guest speaker Andy Low - For Sale: Large scale Chipmunk and Spacewalker - Upcoming Events
  • January 2013 - Acrobat .PDF format Keith Shaw Received a 2012 Carl Goldberg Vital Person Award - The December Meeting - The Upcoming January Meeting - Flying in November - Upcoming Events
  • December 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format November Midwest Meeting & election results - Peter Waters shares where to purchase a forced air dust mask - Current 2013 Flight Instructor List - Current Membership Application - Up Coming Events
  • November 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format Upcoming Midwest RC Society Swap Shop - Lithium Polymer Batteries: What you need to know - October Midwest Meeting - September Show and Tell - Mowing 2012 - Current 2012 Flight Instructor List - Current Membership Application - Up Coming Events
  • October 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format The September Flying Meeting - News From the Field and More: Continued Success for Vern and Lynn - 24th Annual Midwest RC Society Swap Shop Scheduled - Flying "Wet or Dry" - Help Support Team USA - Mowing 2012 - Upcoming Events
  • September 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format The August Flying Meeting - News From the Field and More: A Notable First Flight - Another Pattern Flying Award for Lynn Morgan - Some Sad News to Report - Mowing 2012 - Upcoming Events
  • August 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format The July Flying Meeting - Flying at MRCS - Pattern Flying Award for Lynn Morgan -Great Planes Seen Recently at the Field - Mowing 2012 - Mid-Am Report - Ken Myers Inducted Into AMA Hall of Fame - Upcoming Events
  • July 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format The June 6 Flying Meeting - Important! Meeting Day Changed - Member Help Needed at the Mid-Am - MRCS at the EAA Father's Day Breakfast - Mowing 2012 - Upcoming Mid- Am Info - Improvements to the Flying Field - Field Safety Improvement - Upcoming Events
  • June 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - More on the Bill Brown and Bill Shaftmaster Celebration - Throw Gauge - A Safe Way to Check Prop Rotation On A Motor - An Electric Altair - The May Flying Meeting - Mowing 2012 - Member Help Needed - Ole Yeller is Back - Field News a Thanks - MRCS at WOW - Upcoming Events
  • May 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - Guest Speaker: Denny Sumner, "CAD Plans for Scratch-Building" - The April Meeting - Lost Plane Locator - 1st Flying Meeting of the Year! - Mowing 2012 - Announcing the 2012 Mid-Am - Bill Brown & Bill Shaftmaster Honored - Upcoming Events
  • April 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - Guest Speaker: Larry Markey, "Jet Turbines" - The March Meeting - March Show and Tell - Announcing the 2012 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • March 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - Guest Speaker: Ken Myers, "Twins, Are You Ready?" - It Won't Fly - A Bit More On Wing Cube Loading (WCL) - The February Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • February 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - The January meeting - Jim Young's talk on preparing canopy plug for vacuum forming - January Show and Tell - More on Plastics for Vacuuming Forming or Pulling Canopies - Upcoming Events
  • January 2012 - Acrobat .PDF format - The December meeting social - Upcoming Events
  • December 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - Guest Speaker: Ken Myers on Initial Safe CG - December Meeting - The Swap Meet Š Ken Myers receives the Carl Goldberg Vital Person Award at our annual swap meet - Upcoming Events
  • November 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - Upcoming Swap Meet - Swap meet help request - October Flying Meeting - Upcoming Nov. Meeting Info - News From the Field - New Online RC 'Magazine' - Skymasters Indoor Flying Season - Upcoming Events
  • October 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The September Flying Meeting - Thanks AGAIN Ole Yeller and Mr. Lapham! - 2011 Mowing Info - New O.S. Motor - Upcoming Events
  • September 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The August Flying Meeting - 2011 Mowing Info - More Mid-Am Photos - Upcoming Events
  • August 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - Mid-America Electric Flies - 2011 Mowing Info - Midwest RC July Meeting - Cub Scout Fly-in at Midwest RC Society - Thanks for the Mid-Am from Ken Myers - Upcoming Events
  • July 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - Ole Yeller and Friends - 2011 Mowing Info - Midwest RC June Meeting - Friends of the Field Appeal - Seen at the Field - Midwest & EFO Members Fly June 18 - Upcoming Events
  • June 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The May Meeting Notes - May Show and Tell - 2011 Mowing Info - Seen at the Field - Upcoming Events
  • May 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The April Meeting Notes - April Show and Tell - larry Markey's enchancing flight presentation - See At Toledo - Upcoming Events
  • April 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The March Meeting Notes - March Show and Tell - Barry Jones Nieuport 17 - 2.4GHz Presentation Highlights - Upcoming Events
  • There was no February 2011 meeting nor March 2011 newsletter, bad weather!
  • Feb. 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - The January Meeting - January Show and Tell - Model Builder on DVD - What's On Your Building Board - Upcoming Events
  • Jan. 2011 - Acrobat .PDF format - Christmas Week Indoor Flying! - The December 'Social' Meeting - December Show and Tell - Upcoming Events

Site Table of Contents

Please Note: The following issues have been moved offline. If you'd like one of these issues, please email Ken Myers for an Adobe Acrobat .PDF format version.

  • Dec. 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting Report - November Swap Shop a Huge Success - Special day Skymasters Indoor Flying Info - Upcoming Events
  • Nov. 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - Swap Shop Into - Upcoming Nov. meeting Info - Skymasters Indoor Flying Info - The October Flying Meeting report - Upcoming Events
  • Oct. 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - The September Meeting - Mowing Team info - Control line flying at the field - Upcoming Events
  • Sept. 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - The August Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • Aug. 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - Our Monthly Meeting notice - The July Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • July 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - From the President - June Meeting Notes and Photos - Mowing Info for 2010 - Hitec Optic 6 2.4GHz review - Upcoming Events
  • June 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - The May Meeting - May Show and Tell - Seen at Toledo This Year - Mowing 2010 Information - Current 2010 Flight Instructor List - Current Membership Application - Up Coming Events
  • May 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - The Michael Cohen's April Presentation & Meeting Notes - April Show & Tell - Our Next Guest Speak; Chuck Wooley - Ken's Super Stearman - Upcoming Events
  • April 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - Larry Markey's Presentation "Bringing an ARF to Market" - March Meeting Notes - March Show and Tell - Planes For Sale - A message regarding the field fromm Arthur Deane, MRCS President - Upcoming Events
  • March 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - Andrew Jesky's Presentation - February Meeting Notes - February Show and Tell - Planes For Sale - Larry Markey; our next guest speaker on the topic "Bringing an ARF to market" - Some Useful Web links - Upcoming Events
  • February 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - The January Meeting Notes - Upcoming February meeting: Special Guest, Andrew Jesky - Upcoming Events
  • January 2010 - Acrobat .PDF format - Upcoming January Meeting - The December Meeting & Potluck Dessert Social Evening - Barry Jones' Bulldog - Progress Update - Skymasters' Christmas Weekend Indoor Flying - Upcoming Events
  • December 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - Super Phatic Aliphatic Glue - Mark Warwishana's CL Carrier Presentation - November Meeting Notes - November Show and Tell - The Successful Swap Shop - Upcoming Events
  • November 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - Upcoming Swap Shop Info - Midwest RC Cub Scout Fly-In - October Meeting Notes - October Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • October 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - Cub Scouts to Visit the Flying Field on September 27 - The Upcoming October Meeting - Our Summer "Flying Meetings" Were a Huge Success! - Mowing Info - Upcoming Events
  • September 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting Notice - Mowing Information - Flight Instruction Note - Upcoming Events
  • August 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting Notice - July Flying Meeting - July Show and Tell - RC Advisor's ModiFly - Mowing Information - Flight Instruction Note - Upcoming Events
  • July 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Guest Speaker and Meeting Notes - June Show and Tell - Mowing Information - Flight Instruction Notice - Upcoming Events
  • June 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - The May Presentation on Scale Modeling by Barry Jones & May Meeting Notes - May Show and Tell - Instructors' listing - Upcoming Events
  • May 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - The April Presentation & Meeting Notes - Instructors' listing - Upcoming Events
  • April 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - The March Presentation & Meeting Notes - March Show & Tell - More on the e'Moth - SUKHOI Micro Aerobatic - Upcoming Events
  • March 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - The February CL Presentation & Meeting Notes - February Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • February 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting Notes - Building on Glass - Jan. 1 Get Together at Peter Waters' - Show & Tell: Hyperion Emeter II & RDU - Upcoming Events
  • January 2009 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting Notes - Switches For the E-flight Power Battery - Upcoming Events
  • December 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting Notes - Larry Markey's Homebuilt fullsize Cub - Upcoming Events
  • November 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - October Meeting Notes - Jim Cross' AF Porterfield Collegiate - Upcoming Swap Shop Info - Free Engine Test Stand - October Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • October 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting Notes - Upcoming Swap Meet Information - Mowing Info - Instructor List - Upcoming Events
  • September 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting Notes - August Show & Tell - Mowing Info - Instructor List - Upcoming Events
  • August 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - July Meeting Notes - July Show & Tell - Mowing Info - Mid-Am Thanks - Instructor List - Upcoming Events
  • July 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting Notes - June Show & Tell - Sanyo Eneloop NiMH Cells - Is Balancing 26650 Cells From A123 Systems, Inc. Necessary? - Upcoming Events
  • June 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - May Meeting Notes - May Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • May 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - April Meeting Notes - April Show & Tell - Upcoming Events - Into on: Wings Across America 2008
  • April 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - March Meeting Notes - March Show & Tell - Upcoming Events - A123 Systems, Inc. Cells Presentation
  • March 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - February Meeting Cancellation - Coming Up At the March Meeting - Official Futaba 6EX, 7C and TM-7 Service Advisory - Upcoming Events
  • February 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting Notes - January Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • January 2008 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting Notes - December Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • December 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting Notes - November Show & Tell - November Flying at the Field - Upcoming Events
  • November 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - October Meeting Notes - October Show & Tell - Upcoming Swap Shop & Events
  • October 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting Notes - Come Join the Fun at 7-Mile Field - Upcoming Swap Shop notice - September Show and Tell - Upcoming Events - John Kilsdonk Memorial: Overwhelming Success
  • September 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting Notes - August Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • August 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - July Meeting Notes - Mid-Am Note - 5 Mile Rd. Field Closing - Upcoming Events
  • July 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting Notes - June Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • June 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - May Meeting Notes - May Show & Tell - Cubic Wing Loading - Field Mowing Info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - April Meeting Notes - April Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • April 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - March Meeting Notes - Larry Palmer - March Show & Tell - Detroit Ignition Soccer R/C Night Info - Upcoming Events
  • March 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - February Meeting Notes - February Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • February 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting Notes - January Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • January 2007 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting Notes - December Show & Tell - Upcoming Events
  • December 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting Notes - November Show & Tell - Sometimes Li-Po Batteries Can Be Too Light - 3M Computer Connectors - Upcoming Events
  • November 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - October Meeting Notes - Club Officer Election Information - Upcoming Swap Shop Info - John Kilsdonk Control Line Fly-in Report - Hidden Servo/Receiver Battery Plug Danger - Upcoming Events
  • October 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting Notes - September Show and Tell
  • September 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting Notes - August Show and Tell
  • August 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - July Meeting Notes - July Show and Tell - Field Mowing Update - My Foray Into Li-Po Land (K. Myers)
  • July 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting Notes - June Show and Tell - Field Mowing Update - Field Rule #13 Change - Items for Sale
  • June 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - May Meeting Notes - Planes For Sale - Mowing Team Information - Field Rules Reminder - Low Stik info
  • May 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - April Meeting Notes - Planes for Sale - First Training Night Report - April Show and Tell - Seen at Toledo
  • April 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - Getting Ready for Flight - March Meeting Notes - March Show and Tell - Items For Sale
  • March 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - February Meeting Notes - Upcoming Events
  • February 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting Notes - Premature Lithium Polymer Battery "Death" - Upcoming Events
  • January 2006 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting Notes - December Show and Tell - New Field Help Thanks! - Why Limiting Throttle Will Not Protect Electric Power Systems - Upcoming January Meeting info - Review: Air Hogs' Aero Ace - Upcoming Events
  • December 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting Notes - November Swap Shop - Upcoming Events
  • November 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - October Meeting Notes - October Show & Tell - JOHN KILSDONK Memorial Control-Line Fly-in - New Field Photo - Swap Shop Flyer/Info - Special Notice - Beginner Package - Upcoming Events
  • October 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting Notes - JOHN KILSDONK Memorial Control-Line Fly-in Info - 2005 Field Mowing Schedule- Special Notice - Beginner Package - Items For Sale - Mid-America Electric Flies Report - Upcoming Events
  • September 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting Notes - Midwest RC Society Club Member Bob Beyer Passes - Special Notice: RC Beginner's Package - 2005 Field Mowing Schedule - 2005 Membership Application Current 2005 Flight Instructor List - Up Coming AMRCC Events
  • August 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - July Meeting Notes - July Show and Tell - Mowing Schedule - Special Notice: Beginner Package - Helicopter For Sale - A Special Thanks from Keith and Ken - Upcoming Events
  • July 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting Notes - June Show and Tell - Mowing Schedule - Special Notice - Upcoming Mid-America Electric Flies - Upcoming Events
  • June 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - An Open Letter to the AMA on Bob Kopski's "Retirement" - Special Notice - Boy Scouts At the Field - Notes from the May Meeting - Our Very Special Guest - May Show & Tell - 2005 Field Mowing Schedule - Keith Shaw's Czechmate - Ken's Toledo Purchase - Upcoming Meets
  • May 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - April Meeting Notes - April Show & Tell
  • April 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - March Meeting Notes - MRCS Flight Training Changes - March Show and Tell - Greg Gimlick New Electric Columnist for MA - Push-E Cat is Back - Special Notice on Beginner packages from Prop Shop Hobbies
  • March 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting Notes - February Meeting - February Show and Tell - Indoor Flying this Winter - My Race-E by Ken Myers
  • February 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - Prognostications - Upcoming Events
  • January 2005 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting - New Field Update - December Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • December 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - November Meeting - November Show and Tell Š 2005 Membership Application - Note on the Swap Shop - FMAdirect Automatic Cell Detect, Low Voltage Cutoff Device - West Mountain Radio Crimping Tool - Upcoming Events
  • November 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - 15% Fuel for Sale - John Kilsdonk Memorial Control-line Fly-in - Chuck Wooley - Pre-Swap Shop Sale - October Meeting Notes - Swap Shop Flyer - Upcoming Events
  • October 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting - September Show and Tell - Current 2004 Instructors - Mowing Schedule - Midwest Buy, Sell & Swap Page - For Sale Now - Upcoming Events
  • September 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - Club Photos Wanted - August Meeting Notes - Upcoming Events
  • August 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - Air Show Help Needed - Safety Reminder - House On Other Side of the Tracks - July Meeting - July Show and Tell - For Sale & new Swap/Sale page on Midwest site - 2004 Mid-Am - Upcoming Events
  • July 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting Notes - June Show and Tell - Midwest Helicopter Fun Fly Report - Building With Foam Book - UBA4: "The Battery Tester For All Your Batteries" - Current Instructors' List - Mowing Team Info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - May Meeting Notes - May Show and Tell - Current Instructors' List - Mowing Team Info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - April Meeting Notes - April Show and Tell - Current Instructors' List - Rebuild it - Don't Burn it! (a photo essay by Jim Northmore) - Upcoming Events
  • April 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - March Meeting Notes - March Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • March 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - February Meeting Notes - "We Have Lost A Great Modeler and Friend" - February Show and Tell - Reviewing the Reviews: Jumping Jack - Upcoming Events
  • February 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - Jim's Charger Strips: Update - For Sale Corsair - January Meeting - January Show and Tell - Upcoming Events - RC Power (E-zine)
  • January 2004 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting - Astro Flight Model 109 Li-Poly Charger Info - Hang It Up - Li-Po Blow Torch - Upcoming Events
  • December 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - New Online RC Site - November Meeting - Where For Art Thou Amps? - Upcoming Oakland Yard 4th Annual Reindeer Fun Fly! - RCB Kits Update - Upcoming Events
  • November 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - October Meeting - October Show & Tell - Upcoming Swap Meet Info - Open Letter to SIG - Upcoming Events
  • October 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - September Meeting - September Show & Tell - Fabulous 2003 Air Show - Fly RC Launches - Eagle Tree Systems Flight Data Recorder - Upcoming Events
  • September 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - August Meeting - Upcoming Events
  • August 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - July Meeting - Helicopter Equipment For Sale - Upcoming Events
  • July 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - June Meeting - June Show & Tell - Heli Contest Photos - Picnic Fly Notice - Upcoming Events
  • June 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format May Meeting - Handy Stand - May Show & Tell - Mowing Schedule - Lost Petrel - Help Needed for the Mid-Am - Upcoming Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - Dick Myernick's new email address - April Meeting - Photo Archive News - Lost Petrel - 2003 Upcoming Events
  • April 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - March Meeting - March Show & Tell - Pete Water's New plane - Lost Petrel - 2003 Upcoming Events
  • March 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - February Meeting - February Show & Tell - 2003 Upcoming Events
  • February 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - January Meeting - January Show & Tell - Digital Video Cameras for R/C Planes - Upcoming Events
  • January 2003 - Acrobat .PDF format - December Meeting - December Show & Tell - Pictures, Pictures, Pictures! - So you soloed, now what? - Upcoming Events
  • December 2002 - November Meeting - November Show & Tell - Battery Supplier - Profili (airfoil plotter) - Upcoming Events
  • November 2002 - October Meeting - Lost Plane - Upcoming Events
  • October 2002 - September Meeting - September Show and Tell - Lining Up - Holes for Wing Dowels - Art Slagle's R/C Equipment - Mowing Schedule - Upcoming Events
  • September 2002 - July Show & Tell - August Meeting - Mid-America Electric Flies Report - Mowing Schedule - Upcoming Events
  • August 2002 - July Meeting & Upcoming Events
  • July 2002 - Pre-built Planes Revisited - Upcoming Family Fun Fly Pot-Luck Picnic - June Meeting - June Show and Tell - Heli Photo - Mowing Schedule - Upcoming Events
  • June 2002 - May Meeting - May Show and Tell - Mowing Schedule - Upcoming events
  • April 2002 - John Fraser - Planes For Sale - March Meeting - March Show and Tell - Florida Photos, Pete & Jim - Upcoming events
  • May 2002 - April Meeting - Planes For Sale - April Show and Tell - 2002 Flight Inst. list - To ARF or Not to ARF - Member Wins Science Fair - Roster 2002 - Upcoming events
  • April 2002 - John Fraser - Planes For Sale - March Meeting - March Show and Tell - Florida Photos, Pete & Jim - Upcoming events
  • March 2002 February Meeting - February Show and Tell
  • February 2002 Swap Shop - January Meeting - January Show and Tell - Renew by February 16! - Membership Renewal - Shop Safety - The SR Batteries Bantams
  • January 2002 November Models of the Month - December Meeting & Show & Tell - Up Coming AMRCC Events
  • December 2001 RTL Fasteners, Scott Rellinger's Herr P-51, Flying Indoors, November Meeting
  • November 2001 October Meeting, October Show and Tell (Lambert/Hanger 9 Pizazz, Rellinger/Herr P-51), Upcoming Swap Shop, Maybe not a record, but certainly a challenge!, Monitor Online, Upcoming Events
  • October 2001 September Meeting - John Kilsdonk - September Show and Tell - The Air Show 2001 - Upcoming Events
  • September 2001 August Meeting - August Show and Tell - From John Kilsdonk (Pete Waters & the Aug. 5 CL Fun Fly)
  • August 2001 Updated Instructor List - July Meeting - Mid-America Electric Flies
  • July 2001 June Meeting - Show & Tell - Zagi Time - Upcoming Events
  • June 2001 May Meeting - May Show and Tell - Toledo 2001 - Mowing Information and Schedule - Upcoming Events
  • May 2001 - April Meeting - Control Line Sign - Jim's Florida Planes - For Sale - April Show and Tell - Upcoming Events
  • April 2001 - Plane from Florida - March Meeting - March Show & Tell - New URLs (Addresses) for Midwest’s Web Sites - Upcoming Livonia Mall Show - Complete Events List - Instructor’s List - Roster 2001
  • March 2001 - February Meeting - February Show and Tell
  • February 2001 - January Meeting - January Show and Tell
  • January 2001 - December Meeting - December Show and Tell
  • December 2000 - November Meeting - Show and Tell - Oakland Yard Schedule - Swap Shop News - For Sale - George Maiorana’s Award and Contest Winning Electric Tu-4
  • November 2000 - October Meeting - October Models of the Month - Membership Application 2001
  • October 2000 - September Meeting - September Models of the Month - AirShow 2000
  • September 2000 - July Model of the Month - August Meeting - August Model of the Month - For Sale - Air Show 2000
  • August 2000 - July Meeting
  • July 2000 - June Meeting - June Show and Tell - For Sale - Help Yourself/Help the Club - Michigan Jets Upcoming Event - 4th of July Info - Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • June 2000 - May Meeting - May Show and Tell - Help Yourself/Help the Club - Club Fun Fly/Picnic Info - Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • May 2000 - April Meeting - April Show and Tell - Club Fun Fly/Picnic Info - Mid-Am Info - Upcoming Events
  • April 2000 - February Show & Tell - March Meeting - March Show and Tell - Shirt and Jacket Order Form - Frequency Use List - Upcoming Family Fly & Picnic
  • March 2000 - February Meeting – Airshow 2000 – February Show and Tell report will be put off until next month
  • February 2000 - January Meeting – Show and Tell
  • January 2000 - December Meeting – Holiday Party – Show and Tell – For Sale – Upcoming Events
  • December 1999 - No newsletter, the holiday party notice was the meeting reminder
  • November 1999 - R/C Supplies Sale - October Meeting - Show & Tell - Letter from Joe Hass - 2000 Membership Application - Clothing Order Form - Upcoming Events
  • October 1999 - The September Meeting - Big Bird ‘99 - Flight Training Tips - Repairing Tips
  • September 1999 - The August Meeting - Airshow ‘99 - Attention Sport Fliers - Mid-Am Correction - Windy Weather Planes - Prop Safety - Upcoming Events
  • August 1999 - Boy Scouts Fly - The Q-500 - R/C Glossary Cont. - July Meeting - Jet Fly Plea - July Show and Tell - Mid-Am ‘99 Report - Upcoming Events
  • July 1999 - Meeting & Show and Tell - R/C Glossary - Upcoming Events
  • June 1999 - The Race is On - The May Meeting - May Show and Tell - NIHL and what to do about it - Avoiding Dead-Sticks
  • May 1999 - Flight Instruction - Radio Danger? - High Wing vs Low Wing - April Meeting - April Show and Tell - Current Field Rules (save!!!)
  • April 1999 - March Meeting - March Show & Tell - 200+ MPH Electric - Safety Checking Stored Planes - Building Tips - Electra Found - Clear Covering - At the Next Meeting - Flight Inst. - Tip
  • March 1999 - Mr. Lapham in RC Reports - February Meeting - Show and Tell - Jacket Order form - '99 Nats Schedule
  • February 1999 - Some Tank Info - Lost Plane - Photo Album Thanks - January Meeting - Show and Tell - Holiday Party ‘98 Photos - January Meeting Demo Photos
  • January 1999 - December Meeting - December Show and Tell - Guest Speaker; Jack Lemon - Help Needed
  • December 1998 - Holiday Party Announcement, The November Meeting, Prop Talk by Keith Shaw, November Show and Tell (Jones/PT-17, Shaw/Fokker D-VIII), October Show and Tell Revisited (see Nov. issue - the photos are here), Turn in requests for money, The Tuned Pipe, Banquet Request Coupon
  • November 1998 - October Meeting, Models of the Month (Thibeau/Curtiss P-6E, Beavis/Super Sportster), Upcoming October 25 Fly for Fun
  • October 1998 - Christmas Party Plans, September Meeting, September Show and Tell (Beyer/PT-40, Hanson/Lee Worth Special), The Next Fly for Fun, We Need a New Head Instructor, Some Big Bird Photos
  • September 1998 - Training Night, Thanks from the AMA, Quite a Summer!, August Show & Tell (C Wooley/Dodger & Conspirator, Dormal/T-33, Huta/foam Lear), New Logo?, August Meeting
  • August 1998 - Logo Contest, July Meeting, July Show & Tell (Myernick/Sig Hog Bipe, Heiser/One Design, McCarthy/Byron Mig 15, Jensen/ARF Bonanza), A Busy Summer at MRCS, MRCS Fun Fly & Potluck, MRCS Q500/Texan Race, 4th of July Warbirds, Mid-America Electric Fly '98, For sale
  • July 1998 - The June Meeting, June Show and Tell (Macy/LT-40, Pesonen/Week's Solution), Words From the Head Instructor, Email updates, Some E-flight info, Verti-Go Rating and Review, Items For Sale, Upcoming Events
  • June 1998 - Heli Frequencies Again, The May Meeting, May Show & Tell (Frazer/Hummer, Spiewak/Fly Baby, Brown/Aeronica C-3, Peruski-Smith/chuck gliders), Q-500 info, Upcoming Events
  • May 1998 - For Sale, Words from the Prez, April Meeting, April Show & Tell (Strobel/Citabria Pro, C Wooley/TwinStar, Peruski-Smith canard pusher, rubber powered model), More For Sale, IMAA Meeting Notice, Mowing ‘98, With Sadness - Robert Lynch, Help Please

Site Table of Contents

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