Fly Cleanly . . . Fly Quietly . . . Fly Powerfully! . . . Celebrating Our 37th Year Serving the Electric Flight Community . . . Fly Cleanly . . . Fly Quietly . . . Fly Powerfully! . . .

EFO Logo
Flying High With Electric Power!

The Electric Flyers Only, Inc.
AMA Charter 2354
Commerce Township, MI, USA

Site Started: 28 January 1996
Maintained by: Ken Myers

Home of the Ampeer electric flight newsletter

What's On This Site:
Site Table of Contents

Upcoming EFO Zoom Meeting

Wednesday, April 9, 2025
7:30 p.m.
Place: Zoom
Everyone with an interest is WELCOME
If you are not an EFO member, send me an email and I'll add you to the notification list

Current Issue of The Ampeer
EFO Electric Flight Newsletter

April 2025: Ampeer in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format

April 2025 Ampeer in HTML format
HTML version has active links and is best for reading on computers, smart phones and tablets.

Farm entrance
Air Hog Bipe
Cannonshot plans
Some of the planes and features in the April 2025 issue of the Ampeer

Complete Info on the 41st Annual Mid-America Electric Flies for 2025

RC Beginner's Corner

Start your adventure into learning to fly RC airplanes with this article;
Advice for Getting Into Flying Radio Controlled (RC) Airplanes

The article by Ken Myers walks you through the steps in purchasing your equipment and first plane and recommends several planes that make good trainers.

Want to learn to fly RC?
Are you an RC Flight Instructor?

I've edited and annotated EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ELECTRIC POWERED FLIGHT An E-Book by Ed Anderson, President, Long Island Silent Flyers. The link, using the book title, is in Adobe Acrobat format. In this beginner's guide, I've provided active links within the document for reading online to the sources and articles used to compliment the e-book. It is also formatted for printing, and it is 49 pages long.

What's in the book?
Well, pretty much what Ed implies in the title. He also notes in the Preface that it is not really everything, but it is a great resource for new RC pilots and glow and glider pilots wanting to give electric power a try. If you are an instructor and you are asked by a new person, "What should I get? Where should I start?". Point them to this e-book.

Ken Myers, President EFO

Special .pdf version formated for Smart Phones, NetPads, E-books, etc. by Partrick Surry.

Selecting Electric Power System
Including Conversions from Glow Planes
By Ken Myers - March 2017
Updated: April 2021

Selecting an Electric Outrunner Motor Power System for an ARF, Kit or Plans Built Electrically Powered or Glow Conversion Prop Plane

Article includes links to the spreadsheets for the calculations.

Electric Power Basics
By Ken Myers - January 2011

HTML version of Ken Myers' Electric Power Basics. Updated: December 2015, reformatted presentation of aircraft at the beginning of the article. Includes active links to all references. Best for reading and researching online. Formatted for all online reading devices.

Acrobat .pdf version of Ken Myers' Electric Power Basics. Best for printing. All sources are listed at the end of the article with no active links.

Select power system components easily and quickly using the FREE Drive Calculator program for Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems.
Click here to go to the Drive Calculator page

About Ken Myers

     I am a retired Walled Lake Schools elementary Media Specialist/Computer Resource Teacher (4 years) and 5th grade teacher (27.6 years). I enjoy electrically powered, radio controlled aircraft.

     I am best known in the electric community for this Web site, as well as being an AMA Hall of Fame member, president of the EFO (Electric Flyers Only, Inc.), Ampeer newsletter editor, past president of NEAC (National Electric Aircraft Council), former Event Director for the Electric Nationals in Muncie, IN., former occasional magazine article author, co-Contest Director (CD) of the Mid-America Electric Flies, and flying buddy of Keith Shaw.

     I was one of five people in the USA to be awarded the AMA/Carl Goldberg Vital Person Award in 2011.

Contact Ken Myers via email at:

     Unlike other sites, there is NO paid advertising on this site! When you see an ad link, Ken Myers uses and recommends the product(s), supplier or manufacturer. He uses the "stuff" or supplier himself!