The next EFO meeting will be held at the Rushton Rd. Flying Field, on Saturday, October 3, starting at 11:00 a.m. It will be a day of relaxed flying. The club will provide a lunch and beverages. It will be a sort of fond farewell to summer. All EFO members are urged to attend this summer close out. Any electric fliers within driving distance can come and fly with us too. Just be sure that you have your AMA card with you. Remember that hand-launched planes are the norm, as the grass, while good for landing, is usually kept pretty long for take-off.
If the weather proves "nasty" on the 10th, give Ken a call, and he'll let you know if it is on or not. If it doesn't come off on the 10th, we'll plan to have it the following week - or the one after that, etc. Just keep checking if the weather is questionable. Hope to see you all then. The summer was almost perfect, so let's end it that way.
The September EFO Meeting
What a night it was. Absolutely perfect flying weather was the order of the evening. I arrived earlier than usual, and was there when Mike pulled up and started flying. His Amptique was flying marvelously, until it decided to perch in one of the highest trees around. Unfortunately, Mike spent the rest of this perfect evening retrieving his errant bird from its perch. It was not an easy task, and he probably ended up with a pretty bad case of poison ivy. Through it all, he kept his head, and finally, with the help of the land owner, the bird was brought back to terra firma, slightly damaged, but repairable. Hope you and your plane are doing fine now Mike!
The rest of us flew and flew. It was very nice, and even the mosquitoes decided to give us a break. Jim Young stopped by. He brought his framed up fuselage for a good-sized Mr. Mulligan. It is looking great. He has shown some real interest in joining the EFO. Many of (continue)